The Awakening

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CULLEN'S HOUSEThree Days AgoThree days ago, the body started to drastically change as more people in the Underground started to disappear

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Three Days Ago
Three days ago, the body started to drastically change as more people in the Underground started to disappear. Turns out psychic electrokinesis isn't Jane's ability. No one knows, actually. But one thing the Cullens know for sure - Jane's transformation is anything, but normal.

Two days ago, Jane's body had disappeared. Instead, they entered Carlisle's medical room to find a total stranger laying on the bed. "Carlisle? You might want to see this," Emmett call for his adoptive father.

Confused, Carlisle moves to stand beside his son. His eyes immediately open wide. Giving his son a look, he slowly steps into the room. "Excuse me, miss," he calls for the woman on the medical bed. Instead of finding Jane, he finds a petite, blonde girl. Her hair is pulled up into two mini space buns.

"Emmett, call for your siblings," Carlisle instructs. Emmett rushes out the room. The family doctor takes another step, closer to the girl, and taps her shoulder. Immediately, he ushers his hand back. He, also, got electrocuted, as did Emmett a day ago.

Then, Emmett returns with Alice and Edward. Rosalie is in the room with Eden and Rosalice as the rest of the family are out, hunting.

"What is she," Edward asks, stepping into the room. Carlisle looks up from BabyDoll's face. "It's Jane," he replies in a whisper. After BabyDoll came, Hammerjead made an appearance, after her, went Flit and so on. In the span on three days, Jane appearance had changed sixty-three times.

Carlisle keeps a record of each appearance, along with some photographs. Today - the Underground sits, empty. Everyone has disappeared.

Present Time
Today, Lucy Fugue has appeared. Her supernatural ability of psychic electrokinesis, similar to Kate, rests in the body, causing it's sparks to become even more powerful. The Cullens quickly learned to stand at a distance.

Four days have passed and it's time. Jane will be waking today. The room is awfully quiet and still. It can happen any moment now. The only one in the medical room is Edward. He hasn't left his bride since her transformation, only to hunt.

Silence continues. After a moment, an invisible wave of energy spreads throughout Jane's body. Lucy Fugue has left and Jane has returned. Her heartbeat slows down, then.. it completely stops. Jane's chest rises, then sinks. Her previously brown eyes open to reveal it's new color. Burgundy.

The Underground is dead silent. No one's in sight. A few moments pass and out of nowhere, Mama Pentecost appears. Then Black Annis. After her comes BabyDoll and so on. They appear in the last place they were seen.

Before Penny Farthing disappeared, she was speaking with Flit. She looks down and pats herself down. "What the bloody hell happened," she asks. "Penny," she hears someone calling her name. Penny Farthing turns to find Flit.

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