Dissecting Jane

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CULLEN'S LIVING ROOMShortly, after Jane's mental outburst, everyone carefully lead her into the living room

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Shortly, after Jane's mental outburst, everyone carefully lead her into the living room. Esme offered her a series of different types of teas in attempt to soothe her throat from screaming earlier. Some were imported from Europe, while others from Asia. Only a few had a fruity taste to them, while the others hold a bitter aftertaste that lasts in her tongue.

"Alright, Ms. Challis," Carlisle starts, sitting in front of the girl. He observes the stack of files Bella's father had sent him. "Jane. It's Jane," she corrects him. She takes a swing of her teacup, smiling at the tea's exotic taste.

The family doctor nods his head, understanding. Everyone else sits within the room, looking as though they were occupied, but Jane knows better. They're listening. Alice and Esme sit beside Jane, rubbing her arms in a soothing manner.

Rosalie and Emmett sit on another couch, listening in as Bella, Edward and Jasper sit in a corner, pretending to search for a book. They whisper to one another.

"Jane? May I ask why you go by that name? It says your birth given name is Kay Challis. Your mother was Charlie's sister, correct? It reads here that she was a secretary. She passed a few weeks after your birth, meanwhile you're fath-," Carlisle gets cut off.

"Stop. I have no father," she says, slightly leaning in her chair. Her voice holds a bit of static, meaning Sylvia is nearby. She's ready to step in and cover Jane from remembering her father.

Everyone in the room slightly stiffens. They relax as soon as Jane relaxes in the couch. "Right. I do apologize," Carlisle offers her a small smile.

"It's alright," she replies, looking down at her chipped nail polish. "Here it says you have a total of sixty-four personalities. Plus a few more. How is that," he asks, wanting to sink himself into her abnormal mind.

"Yes," she answers. "I see. How many more alters do you have, besides the sixty four," he asks, genuinely curious. "I do not know, but they're there. Though, I wish some aren't," Jane whispers a response.

"Can you give me an example, Jane," Carlisle asks after a moment of silence. "..Daddy," she whispers, obviously uncomfortable by the mention of his name. Confused, Carlisle flips though a few pages. "Daddy sun? It seems as though she's written on here," he says.

Jane releases a sad, yet angry chuckle. "No. It's Daddy. He lives in sewers with the other monsters. Sometimes, we get lucky and don't see him. Sometimes, we don't," she replies.

"And what does Daddy look like," Carlisle continues. A warm year escapes Jane's eyes as she leans in and cups her chin. Her hair shields her from the eyes in the room. "He.. He looks like my dad," immediately after saying this, she begins to sob. Esme soothes her as Alice shoots Jane a sympathetic look.

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