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THE UNDERGROUNDThe Field        Jane stands in front of a lake located in her field

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The Field
    Jane stands in front of a lake located in her field.  This is where she spent most of her days when they left her. She's picking petals off flowers. No one's here beside Jane and her yellow flowers. That's when she hears whistling. Jane looks up to find Penny Farthing heading her way. She carries a blanket and a basket in hand. Penny Farthing is dressed in her usual pants, blouse and hat.

         Jane releases a sigh. Penny's whistling stops once she sees Jane. "Jane," she asks. Jane looks over at her. "What are you doing here? Oh! Too weird," says Penny. "Hey, Penny," Jane says, watching her spread out a blanket on the ground. "I thought I was the only one who knew about this memory like it was my own," Penny stops, "secret garden."

They both look out ahead of the lake. "But I don't mind the company," Penny says. Jane looks over at her and cracks her first smile in days. "Not a all. Rather luck, actually," she continues.

    "Who's memory is this," asks Jane. Penny looks out as she replies, "I don't know - never give it a second thought. It's a nervous match - it's my favorite place in the underground. It always leaves me completely shafted - without fail."

      Jane speaks up. "It doesn't bother you? That you don't know who this belongs to," she asks. Penny Farthing starts to spread out different breads and cheeses onto the blanket. "Memories belong to everyone," she replies, "That's how it works here. Everyone knows that."

    Jane looks down at her broken flower. Penny looks at her and sighs. "Some of the others are saying you don't want to go back up - for real this time," she says.

  Jane looks at her roommate and asks, "Do you ever feel like you're spiraling out of control?" Penny's eyes soften as she replies, "Whenever I get like that I come here."

      "And that happens when that doesn't work anymore," asks Jane. Penny Farthing doesn't reply. Jane spins around and starts walking away. "You're leaving," asks Penny, "Where are you doing? Jane?" Jane throws the flower to the ground and replies, "To find answers."

Medical Room
The Cullens gather around Jane's motionless body. Baby Doll had left. "What are we going to do? Nothing in the comic books told us this would happen," says Emmett. They're all discouraged. "We'll figure something out, son." Carlisle places his hand on his adoptive son's shoulder.

"You could always come join us." A calming voice says behind them. They all turn their heads to look at the body. Jane was now perfectly awake. A single streak of white hair appears along with vibrant blue eyes. "Dr. Harrison," Edward says, unsure if that's who's he's talking to. "That's me," she replies with a smirk on her face.

"You're.. a doctor," Emmett asks from his spot. She turns to look at him. "A psychologist. I do all the negotiations. I'm sure you guys are aware of this but we've ran into a little problem." Carlisle looks at her and tilts his head. "Of what sort?"

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