It's First Attempt

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TANYA'S ALASKAN HOME One month after leaving the Swans

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One month after leaving the Swans.

Alice faces off with Carlisle as the others watch on. Esme desolate; Emmett blank. He sits next to Rosalie who seems almost irritated. Jasper isolates himself in a corner. "No. We promised Edward," it was Carlisle.

       Alice looks at her step-father in disbelief, "but they won't do well without us. I get flashes of them both, but they're unclear-" Rosalie interrupts, "Forget it, let's drag Edward home." Esme replies calmly, "he'll come back when he's ready. After Bella moves on. "                           

Carlisle agrees with his wife, "yes. When they're living their lives, safe from danger." Jasper looks down and says the following with self-contempt, "you mean safe from us."

Alice wraps an arm around Jasper, soothingly. Rosalie points to Alice and asks, "and when will that be?" Emmett leans in on the couch, asking, "Can you see him, Alice?" They all turn to Alice. She closes her eyes, trying to get a lock on Edward.

       She replies, "the only decision he's made...

ALICE'S VISION                 
Visuals are jumpy, unclear. It starts high on a mountaintop in the middle of nowhere. Then it swoops down to its peak on which she finds Edward. Standing still, face agonized.                       

        Alice says, "is to be alone."                             

-- and suddenly, he starts running, like he's trying to outrun his memories, faster and faster -- he races toward a cliff; a ravine hundreds of feet below --          Edward doesn't slow, just blasts forward faster; then he leaps off the cliff, floating, but the pain stays with him

The vision focuses on Edward's feet as they land hard on the other side of the ravine. They hit the ground.

JANE'S BEDROOM                                              

The body's fingers hit the computer keys       aggressively. It types nonsense. It's face cold and blank.

                 Time passes. Every tick that goes
                                      by... aches...                                                          


The body's fingers continue to type nonsense into Jane's computer. It hasn't stopped since.

Like the pulse of blood behind a bruise...

It stops. It stares at it's own words. Then it hits "select all" and "delete" the button. The body rises off the bed, almost zombie like, and returns to looking out the bedroom window, desolately.

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