Killer Prom

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PROM RECEPTIONRosalie's Mercedes Convertible pulls up to a lovely inn

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Rosalie's Mercedes Convertible pulls up to a lovely inn. Jasper helps Alice and Jane out of the car. They begin to guide her through the dining room. Mr. Molina, the school Biology teacher, and other teachers are there. They don't notice the back of a Redhead, mingling with the chaperones.

"I can't believe you guys are making me do this," Jane mumbles, lowering her head as people stare at her. Alice just grins and guides her around a corner to the prom. Jasper holds onto Jane's waist Monte Carlo style as Alice holds her hand. Gaming tables and roulette wheels come into Jane's vision, along with guys in tuxes and girls in gowns. They all gamble for prizes, dance and socialize with one another.

"You people are really are trying to kill me," Jane scoffs, but she nonetheless smiles at Alice and Jasper. "Prom is an important rite of passage. I don't want you to miss anything," Alice taps her nose and looks up at Jasper, giggling.

She can't be mad at them so she just shakes her head affectionately. They all continue into the prom. Several heads continue to turn. She sees the dance floor, where a gap had formed. In the middle, two couples whirl gracefully. It's Rosalie and Emmett.  They look absolutely stunning. Rosalie glances over and smiles at Jane. Alice waves brightly. Jane returns it with a smile as well. She then hears a crossfade into the next track. Alice and Jasper leaves Jane to dance with one another.

Eric at the turntables, making the room bounce. Next to him, Angela wears the headphones, flipping through a stack of vinyl. They nod at Jane as she smiles back at them. That's when when a flashbulb gets her attention.

Mike and Jessica stand in front of an Aston Martin cut-out. Mike does his best James Bond impersonation as Jessica poses like Pussy Galore. Jane awkwardly waves and smiles, walking outside.

Jane sits on a bench, sighing as she looks up at the starry sky. That's when she notices a mop of auburn brown head walking her way. He's by myself. "Shit. Shit," she curses under her breath. Edward smirks, standing in front of her. "Jane," he playfully bows, smiling down at her. "Edward," she replies, smiling slightly. "Bella said you weren't coming," he says, taking a seat beside her. "It was a set up," she replies, shaking her head with a small smile.

He lifts his eyebrow as he looks at her. Jane starts to explain how BabyDoll, Penny Farthing and Lucy Fugue went behind her back to message Alice for a makeover. Once she finishes, Edward's lips turn into an amused smile. "Wow," he chuckles. "Well," he begins, "I'm glad you at least made it. And at least you're having fun, right?"

Jane looks at him and shrugs her shoulders. "If you consider standing in a corner and drinking cheap fruit punch fun, then yeah. I'm havin' a blast, man." Flit's boyish tone leaks through her words towards the end of her sentence. He stares at her, completely amazed by the woman in front of him. After a few seconds he stands up.

"Well? Shall we," he asks, offering her his hand. Jane rolls her eyes and smiles slightly. "We can't," she replies, taking a swing of her Kool-Aid juicd. Edward shakes his head and smiles crookedly, "And why not?"

A soft giggle escapes Jane's lips as she asks, "Are you serious? I can't even dance." He doesn't wait for an answer as he more -or- less drags her to a patio tent, drenched in bright lights. They slowly begin to dance and she actually begins to enjoy it. "See? You're dancing," he says, looking down at her as she blushes under his intense gaze. "At prom," she continues, looking around to make sure Bella was nowhere in sight.

"She's not here if that's what you're wondering," announces. Jane licks her lips, her eyes shifting. "It feels wrong," she looks up at Edward as he replies, "It shouldn't." His brows furrow slightly as he shakes his head. "We're just dancing," he continues, noticing the shift in the air. Jane's face scrunches up as she cringes slightly. It pains him to see her hurt expression, but he nevertheless continues.

"Just like Bella's dancing with her friend," he says, causing Jane to quickly stop dancing for a split second before she continues to swing her body with his. "Wait, Jacob's here," she asks, followed by a nod from Edward. Throughout her stay with the Swan family, her and Jacob grew close to each other. She even met his father, Billy. She thought he would let her know he was coming tonight. Then she would've at least brought a date with her.

She scoffs and shakes her head. "I had no idea," she whispers. Edward nods his head quietly. They stay in complete silence as a new song begins to play in the background. As they dance, she feels his grace, his strength. Finally, she looks at him. "Edward, I don't know what fate has in store for the both of us but," she stares into his golden eyes, "But what I do know is that I trust your family with my life. Especially, after what happened with James."

Edward continues to swing both his body back and fourth. "Jane, I will make it my life duty to protect you and Bella for the rest of however long God allows us to be in each other's lives. I promise," he replies, slowly reaching for her cheek. He strokes it affectionately, tightening his grip on her waist. This has been the first time Jane ever let a man touch her in this manner since she was five.
He slowly begins to lean in. His lips hover over her tan skin.. then he presses his lips to her forehead. A kiss. It wasn't much in someone else's eyes, but to her? To her it made her heart flip in her chest. She had to exhale to make sure she was still alive. Everyone in the Underworld watches in silence. They all shared a smiles.

Edward looks at her. They whirl around, gliding with grace, never looking away from one another, as the remained each other's arms for the rest of the dance. Eventually, had to part ways but they never lost sight of each other. She always feels his gaze on her. What no one realizes is that someone is watching. They're looking down from the window of a second floor hotel room in the Inn. The music wafting up in echoes. It's Victoria. She turns from the window, slightly dressed. She seethes as a low, sinister snarl remains in the back of her throat.



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