The Vision

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One Week Later

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One Week Later

A week has passed since Jane payed the Weird Sisters a desperate visitation. Jane has yet to unveil what they meant by going to "the field." Though they have a reputation for misleading their clients into going into the "Well", they never speak anything, but the truth.

Throughout the years, Jane has heard stories of the Well. Some people say it's a place where monsters lay, while others say it's a place to heal old wounds.

From what Penny Farthing has told her, Miranda had fallen into the sisters' tricks once before. They told her to enter the well, where she would find what she was searching for. The girl spent several days there, alone. Once she returned, Miranda was never the same. Her spirit died days after her return.

"Please, pass the butter," Charlie politely asks. "Sure," Jane replies. She passes the almost - melted butter stick from across the wooden table. At doing this, she accidentally knocks a cup of juice off the table. "Shit. I'm sorry," Jane stands up and wipes the mess of the floor.

"It's alright. Bella's so clumsy she could knock down the cup, and the table, all at once," Charlie comments. They both chuckle as they layer paper towels over the fruit punch that spilled on the floor.

Trashing the dirty towelettes, she washes herself up over the sink. "Alright, well I'm gonna go ahead and head to class," she says. Mumbling a quiet "alright," Charlie begins to clean up the table.

Jane leaves the dining table and waits by the door. Just as she snatched her bag off the floor, Bella walks down the stairs. "Hey. Are you ready," she asks, smiling. "Yes. Of course," Jane replies, with a feathery English accent tracing her words. Someone was close to the surface.

Giving Jane an unsure look, Bella reluctantly opens the front door and walks into the sunlight. Jane follows behind, holding her bag close to her body. That's when she notices Edward's shiny car standing in the driveway.

"We're taking his car," she asks, confused. "Yeah. Is that alright," Bella asks, looking back at her. The last thing she wants is to make Jane uncomfortable. "Of course. Yeah," Jane replies, frowning slightly. The last thing she wants is to be in a car with the man she keeps seeing in her room.

She gives the brunette a small smile, and walks toward the car. "Hi," she whispers a greeting and places her leather bag into the back seat. Slipping behind him, she watches Bella sit beside him. "Hello, Jane," he responds, smiling at her through the car window.

"Hey," Bella says. She leans forward and pecks his lips. His rose colored lips bounce back after the peck. Jane's cheeks flush as soon as she catches herself staring at his lips.

Releasing a small giggle, she pulls her knees to her plump chest and places the side of her face onto her thighs. There she gets the perfect view of the window. Bella turns to look at her and smiles, blushing. The century old vampire beside her, chuckles and shakes his head.

Fifteen - to - twenty minutes pass, and they finally arrive to school. Edward parks the car in his usual spot, next to Emmett's white Jeep. Jane can see his siblings standing near their car, awaiting for their arrival.

Jane lazily gets out his car and flashed Alice a bright smile. As soon as the petite girl makes eye-contact with Jane, she stops in her tracks and stares ahead. A distant look clouds her eyes.

Different shades of pearly whites, reds and browns cloud the scene. They seemed to be moving in synchronization, almost like how the skies in "A Starry Night" dance in the painting. After a few seconds, the imagine clears up, and Alice sees what seems like a completely nude Jane.

Her plump breasts are hidden from Alice's view, but definitely not by the pale man who hovers over her. His muscles moved beneath his skin as he thrusts inside of her, causing Jane's mouth to part slightly.

Both bodies lay on a white bed, covered in rose petals. Their bodies tangle with each other's. Their skins are completely nude, with the exception of Jane's breasts, which were covered by a piece of silky fabric. Alice's view shifts from looking from above, to looking from Jane's point of view. And there she finds her brother's face.

"Where do you get toner for your butt printer," Jane asks, her arms crossed. "A butt toner factory, duh," Emmett replies. Laughing, she turns to find Alice whispering to Edward.

"Hey. What did you see," she asks, tilting her head to the side. Suddenly, her body jolts as Lady Purple arrives.

In the comics, Lady Purple has the power to see the future, but she rarely talks about what she sees. Despite this, the other personalities all seem to look to her as a leader. Her name is believed to be a reference to a line in the song "Christine" by Siouxsie and the Banshees.

Edward furrows his eyebrows, staring at her as she wears a knowing gaze. "Hello. My name is Lady Purple. I am one of Jane's many protectors. I know what you have seen, for I have seen it also. And though that is her fate," she looks up at Edward, then toward his hand as it interlocked with Bella's, "You mustn't tell her. At least, not yet. I must go now."

They stare at her, ever bit curious. Lady Purple spins around and starts walking toward the middle of the street. Then, she stops mid-walk as Jane takes over. "What the fuck," she exclaims, her arms wide open. Looking at the sky, she curses at it. "I could've been dead by now. Do you understand that," she curses her alter's lack of responsibility and stomps her way back toward the Cullen family group.

"So? Who was it this time," she asks, placing her hands over her hips. "Just Penny," Alice replies with a smile. "That's weird. She hasn't left her station in a while, now. Oh, well. Alright," she brushed it off and gives Alice a side hug. "Meet you in class," she exclaims, jogging into the school building.



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