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BASEBALL FIELDThey all stop in their tracks

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They all stop in their tracks. Edward is immediately by both Jane and Bella's side. Rosalie and Alice take cover for them as the family gathers at home plate. "They're traveling does quickly," Alice begins. "You said they left the country," Rosalie retorts. "They did, but then the heard us," she's quick to defend herself.

That's when Jane notices the sudden shift. The air sits dangerously still. As a precaution, Hammerhead stands by surface, ready to protect the body from harm. "I'm sorry, but who the fuck are we talking about," Jane asks, standing behind the Cullens and beside Bella.

Her tone of voice demands an answer. It's hers and her alters priority to protect herself from anything that comes her way. "They changed their minds. Put your hair down," Edward instructs, ignoring Jane's previous question. He turns to a Bella and attempts to mask her scent.

"Like that'll help. I could smell them from across the field," Rosalie scoffs. Edward ignores her as he arranges Bella's hair. He turns to Jane and gives her a sad look, turning back around to face Bella. "I should have brought you here. I'm sorry," he whispers.

Bella would've asked why, but suddenly, they all turn as one toward the edge of the forest. There was a faint rustle... then James, Victoria and Laurent emerge. As they near, Jane notices their bare feet, then the deep burgundy of their eyes.

"Oh, please come closer. Daddy Hammy has a thing comin' for you albino motherfuckers," she mumbles, ready for a fight. Luckily, none of the new vampires bother to look down at her. Laurent, the one in the middle, holds up the Cullen's baseball. "I believe this belongs to you," he says.

Laurent tosses the ball to Dr. Cullen, who catches it and smiles politely. His 'casual' toss was still too blindingly fast for Jane to catch with her human eyes. "Thank you," Carlisle replies. "Could you use three more players," asked the one in the middle, Laurent.

Jane is quick to whisper, "no." But Carlisle spoke at the same time as Jane, muffling her whisper. "Of course," he replies, wearing a false welcoming smile. "I'm Laurent. This is Victoria. And James," Laurent introduces the coven to the Cullen family.

The last name makes Lady Purple release a gasp. The phantom with psychic abilities whispers something into Jane's ear, causing her to mumble a quiet, "shit, really?" Alice spins to look back at the girl and signals her to stay quiet. Her eyes shifted from Alice to James.

"James killed Alice's friend when she was human. He hunted your friend for her abilities. Don't trust him. Don't trust him. Don't trust him. Tracker. He's going to come after Bella. Stay with her, or she will meet her demise," Lady Purple whispers this into Jane's ear.

"Would you like to bat first," Carlisle asks. Laurent's quick to pick up a bat. The Cullens take the field. Dr. Cullen is catcher, Edward and Alice is on first, with Bella and Jane behind him, near the Jeep. That's when Jane notices how Edward's eyes are locked onto James. Laurent is at bat first.

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