Its a possibility

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BEACH HOUSEJane looks out the window, noticing a boat coming their way

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Jane looks out the window, noticing a boat coming their way. Curious, she looks at her husband. He takes her hand and leads her to the entrance of the beach house. "Jane, these are our housekeepers, Gustavo and Kaure," he introduces her to the guests.

"This is my wife Jane," he introduces her in Portuguese, their native language. The housekeeper stays silent. "Excuse me. Well, I guess we just leave them to it," he continues, walking back into the house, along with Jane.

"What the hell was that all about," she asks. "She's afraid for you," he answers. "Why would she be afraid," she asks, still confused.

"Because I have you here all alone," he clarifies. "You mean she knows about you," asks, shocked. "She suspects. She's a native Ticuna. They have legends about blood-drinking demons who prey on beautiful women," he replies.

Edward leans in for a kiss, Jane accepts his offering. As they are kissing, the housekeepers walk in on them looking shocked.

Jane drags her feet as she peels herself off the couch. Wiping a beam of sweat off her forehead, she walks into the kitchen. Edward had gone off to hunt. She pulls out the cabinet door and takes a jar of peanut butter, along with a can of string cheese.

"Mm," moans, stuffing the cookie into her mouth and walks toward the fridge. Jane pulls out a glass jar of pickles and some leftover chicken. Smiling, she sits on the kitchen counter, mixing a combination of foods together.

It feels like heaven in her mouth. "This is the life," she murmurs, stuffing another cheesy cookie into her mouth, followed by a chicken wing.

Suddenly, she stops. The room seems to be spinning around her as a strong nauseating feeling overcomes her. Her body sways back and fourth slightly. Gagging, she climbs off the counter and sprints into the bathroom, hovering over the toilet.

"Jane," Edward calls for her, walking into the bathroom. "Hey, don't come in here. You don't need to see this," she says, sitting on the toilet seat. He walks into the bathroom and kneels in front of her. "'ln sickness and health,' remember," Edward places his pale hands over her thighs.

"It's nothing. I think the cheese was expired or something," she murmurs, wiping her mouth with a piece of toilet paper. Jane's in need of a desperate shower. "Could you grab my bag," she asks of her husband. Edward gets her bag and brings it to her. "Thanks," she whispers.

Rummaging through her duffle bag, her eyes trace over the blue box of Tampax. Jane and pauses to think. "Jane, what is it," Edward asks, worried. "Edward," she leans back, "how long has it been since we got married?"

"Fourteen days. Why," he asks, growing concerned.
Jane doesn't reply. "Will you tell me what's going on," he asks, desperate.

"I'm late. My period, it's late. I'm always irregular, but I was supposed to get it," she counts with her fingers, "around seven days ago." Panicked, Jane lifts herself from the toilet seat.

Her tanned figure walks over to the full length mirror and looks at her stomach. Jane's hand pulls up her shirt, exposing her chubby stomach. It's surreal to her. She turns to the side, touching her stomach. "That's impossible," she whispers, "Can this happen," she asks, turning to look at Edward.

He says nothing. Edward stands in shock. Suddenly, Jane feels a movement in her stomach. "Whoa," she hisses, placing her hand over the sink. Then she feels it again. "The hell," she murmurs. Edward watches silently as his phone goes off. Quickly, Jane reaches for the phone and places it to her ear.

"Alice," Jane calls for her friend. "Jane? Are you all right," Alice asks, concerned. "I'm not," she stops to look at the full-length mirror, "one hundred percent sure I-," her sentence gets cut off by her sister in law. "Why? What's wrong? I just," she trails off.

"You just what? Alice, what did you see," Jane asks. "Here's Carlisle," Alice hands the phone to her adoptive father. "Jane, what's going on," he asks. "I don't know. I'm a little worried. Can vampires.. go into shock," Jane asks, worried for Edward.

"Has Edward been harmed," Carlisle asks. "No. He.. He's just standing there. Carlisle.. I know that it's impossible, but.. I think that I'm pregnant," she tells him, holding onto the phone.

Suddenly, she feels another movement in her stomach. "Fucking shit," she mumbles, moving to sit on the toilet seat. "Carlisle, I swear to God, something just fucking moved inside of me," Jane swears, worried.

Edward snaps out of it and yanks the phone from her. "ls this even possible," he asks, pacing around the room. "I don't know, son," Carlisle answers truthfully.

"What's he saying," Jane asks. "The sooner Jane's here, the sooner we can find out what it is. I need you to get to the mainland at once," Carlisle continues. "I will," Edward replies. "Well," Jane asks. Edward disconnects the call and rushes into their bedroom.

Edward moves at vampire speed, packing up her shoes and clothes. Jane stands by the bathroom, still in shock. Then, housekeeper knocks on the door, making sure Edward hasn't hurt her. "Damn it," Edward curses under his breath, "Kaure's making sure you're still alive." He reads the housekeeper's mind.

"What did you do with her," Kaure accuses, yanking the door open. "What do you know about this," Edward asks, desperate for an answer. "I know that you are a demon! You killed this little girl," the woman exclaims. Him and Edward speak in Portuguese.

"What," Jane asks, softly. "Her people have legends. She might have seen this before," Edward replies. Jane peels herself from the bathroom's entrance and walks toward her husband.

Edward turns to the housekeeper. "Please. Tell me how to help her," he asks. "You only do bad," the woman replies. "I am begging you. I will do anything. I love her. Please. Tell me how she can survive this," he begs. The housekeeper walks over to Jane and touches her stomach then looks at her.

"Death," she whispers in English. The housekeeper walks out. "I'm not gonna let it hurt you. Carlisle will get that thing out," Edward speaks through gritted teeth. "Thing," she asks in a whisper. He gets their bag and walks out leaving Jane looking dismayed.

"Wait here while we load," Edward instructs.Frowning, Jane climbs into the limousine. Once she's inside, she immediately picks up her phone and dials Rosalie's number. "Hello," she hears her sister in law's voice. "Rose," Jane whispers.

"Jane? What's going on," she asks. "I need your help," Jane pleads, her voice cracking toward the end.

Her and Edward spent the car ride apart from each other. Him on one end of the seat and her on the other.



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