Happy Fucking Birthday

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THE CULLEN'S HOUSEBella begins to open it, but cuts herself with the envelope

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Bella begins to open it, but cuts herself with the envelope. "Ouch - paper cut," she winces. "Shit," Jane whispers, wide eyed. A single drop of deep red blood appears on the beige carpet. Bella thinks little of it, but then she hears her cousin yelling. "Bella, get back!"

A disturbing, grisly snarl travels throughout the room. She gets pushed behind Jane. She looks up just as Jasper lunges toward them. His teeth are bared, as his eyes glow, beyond reason. Edward flings the two cousins away, causing them to crash into the glass table. Jane flies away, slamming her back against the wall. Antique plates shatter all around her and Bella. Jane's body completely transforms, as planned. It's game time.

It's Hammerhead and she's angry. "Fucking bitch," she growls at Edward Cullen. Jasper Whitlock successfully slams into her when she least expects it. Their bodies colliding sound like boulders colliding. Luckily, Hammerhead came just in time. Out of all the personalities, she's the strongest of all.

"Don't you fucking touch me," she growls, eyes wide with anger. Hammerhead pushes him back. Jasper sails backward, hitting a wall, but he ricochets off it and comes back at her and Bella. Emmett and Carlisle tackle him from the side, dragging him to the ground, but he manages to escape. Jasper lunges towards Hammerhead once more.

He jumps mid-air, but she quickly grabs him by the shirt and twirls around, throwing him to the other side of the room. Snapping out of it, Alice rushes towards him and holds him back. "Jaz... shh," she begins to soothe him, but stops. Her head suddenly jerks toward the human behind Hammerhead. Then everybody's eyes snap toward Bella as they catch the overwhelming scent of blood.

Bella looks at her arm, seeing how it's been slashed by plate shards. Bright red blood pulses out of her, pooling down her dress. She looks up and all of them now, including Edward, stare down at her blood with fevered eyes. There are six suddenly ravenous vampires. Alice lets go of a blood thristy Jasper and runs toward Hammerhead at super speed, followed by her husband.

The tattoo on Jane's chest completely disappears as Lucy Fugue makes way. Jane's naturally tan skin now has an icy blue tint to it. The veins beneath her skin glow with electricity. Her face quickly covers with tiny lightning bolts. Alice and Jasper escape Emmett and Edward's grasp. Just as they reach Lucy Fugue, she lifts her arms and electrocutes them in mid-air. Alice and Jasper stay up in the air for a split second, before plopping down toward the ground.

Emmett and Esme hold them down. Lucy Fugue nods her head toward Carlisle and walks away from the scene, standing beside Rosalie with her arms crossed. Carlisle jumps to Bella's side. Edward, though white as a bone, snaps out of it and stands between her and the others. "Emmett, get Jasper out of here," Carlisle instructs.

Him and Esme drag Jasper and Alice outside as they snarl. Rosalie holds her nose as she exits with the others. Bella looks at Lucy Fugue apologetically. Jane's alter does nothing but stand by the doorway. Edward's still on guard as Carlisle examines Bella's arm.

"I'll have to stitch this up," the doctor mumbles. "I'll carry her to the kitchen," Edward nods his head. Jane is now back in control. Worried, she runs toward Bella as Edward moves to pick her up, but his eyes dart to the blood. "We'll take care of her, Edward," Carlisle assures him. He doesn't move from his spot. It's Jane's turn to speak. "Check on Alice and Jasper. Go."

Edward looks from her to Bella. Then he steps back, allowing Carlisle to lift Bella and carry her to the kitchen. Just before the kitchen door closes, Bella sees Edward's agonized face. He turns away, unable to meet her eyes.

Bella sits in a chair opposite from Carlisle who mops up her blood. He removes glass shards from her arm and drops one into a bowl. Jane passes Carlisle a thread and needle. She's awfully quiet. Bella tries not to look at the blood. "I sure can kill a party," she comments. Carlisle looks at her and replies, "It's not your fault. Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us. And Alice? Well, that could happen to any of us."

Jane stops doing what she was doing and turns around, listening to their conversation. "Seems like you're the only one it doesn't effect," she comments, speaking for the first time since the incident. He spins around to look at her and smiles. "Centuries of practice." Jane nods her head and turns back around, cutting pieces of gauze.

"Did you ever think of living differently," she asks with her back turned. Bella listens in. "I enjoy my work too much. Helping people, saving lives. I'm hoping there's a point to my existence, even if I am damned," he replies.
"Damned? You're not damned," Bella scoffs. Jane turns around and places four strips of gauze onto the table, agreeing with Bella. "She's right, Carlisle. You couldn't be damned."              

"Then you and I agree. But Edward doesn't believe there's an afterlife for our kind. He thinks we've lost our souls," he replies, causing Jane to shake her head. "The body cannot lose it's soul. As long as you're moving and breathing, it'll be inside you," she assures him, smiling. He returns it with a smile of his own.       

"That's why he won't... He thinks he'd be damning me," Bella whispers , coming into a realization. Jane's confused by what she means. "If you believed as he did, would you risk it," Carlisle asks the human girl. "What do you mean by that," Jane asks before Bella could reply to Carlisle's question. She furrows her eyebrows. He looks at them both, now finished with Bella's arm. Bella opens her mouth to speak but Jane quickly interrupts, "You can't be serious! Bella, serious what the fuck?" Jane wasn't supposed to know of her plans. Bella knew she'd never approve. Scoffing, Jane leaves the room.

Jane looks out into the Cullen's backyard as she stands in their main balcony. It has wooden floors and random pots of flowers placed onto it's corners. A sigh escapes her lips as the hair in her neck stand. Someone's behind her. "I never got to say thank you," it says. "There's no need," she replies. Edward walks up besides her and leans against the railing, staring out into the sky. "I noticed how you were anxious throughout the entire night.. Did you know how it was going to play," he asks, shooting a glance her way.

Jane looks at him and sighs, nodding her head. "I didn't know she was going to be attacked, but Lady Purple showed us a vision. It-," she stops mid-sentence, looking at him with wide eyes. He looks at her in confusion. "Victoria."

His eyebrows furrow in confusion. "That's what we saw towards the end of her vision. We saw something red lingering up in a tree. We have to tell Bella." Jane begins to walk out, but a hand stops her. "We can't tell her. I don't want her to.. worry anymore. We'll take care of it... I'll take care of it," he replies. Something sounds off about his response, but she ignores it. Jane looks at him, still weary, but she agrees. Bella has already put herself in enough danger and Jane will do everything in her power to protect her family.



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