Sacrificial Offering

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TENT     Suddenly, a bright light shines on Jane's face

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Suddenly, a bright light shines on Jane's face. Her eyes open, morning light blinding her. The sun outside illuminates the tent. She's alone. The wind has died down. The ground is white with snow and the campsite eerily quiet. The tent unzups and Jane climbs out to find a young wolf staring at her. He sits on his haunches.

An immediate smile breaks on her face. "Hey, Seth," she greets him. Seth-wolf pants a little; it passes for 'hello.' "Where's Jacob? Did he already-," Jane gets interrupted by a voice behind her. "Not yet," it replies. She turns as Edward rounds the peak and joins her. "He's with Bella, checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes," he continues, wrapping his arms around her. Seth-wolf jogs off.

     "I'm really sorry about last night. I had to pay the Underground a visit," Jane brushes a strand of auburn hair away from his eyes, "How was she to you?" Edward smiles, rocking their bodies side to side. "Eh- It definitely won't make my list of top ten favorite evenings," he responds. "Oh? You have a list," she asks, lifting an eyebrow. "All ten I spent with you. Number one is when you said you'd marry me, Mrs. Cullen," he replies, caressing her cheek.

      "Hmm.. You're gonna have to postpone that. I have to pee," Jane giggles and pecks his cheek. Edward watches her longingly as she runs into the woods. Smiling, he turns toward the tent and begins to walk. He stops abruptly and turns to see Seth-wolf loping out of the woods, growling. Edward reads his thoughts.

A pair of male bare feet step onto the wet grass. It's a newborn. He's hungry and ready for a fight.

Edward's expression turns grave. Five minutes later he turns to see Jacob and Bella rolling in. Jane follows behind them. "It's starting," he says in a whisper.

The newborn vampire continues to run through the woods. His feet pound against the ground. Suddenly, from behind him, the whole newborn army blitzes out of the woods and into the field. They hold frenzy in their eyes. Their thirst is rabid as they follow the scent of Jane's blood. But the scent trail ends here. They're confused...

Suddenly, something bolts from the trees with lightning speed and tackles a newborn. The other newborns spin to find a lethal-looking Jasper in a crouch beside his victim's body. They rush to Jasper but three of them go down. They're all tackled by Esme, Rosalie, Carlisle, Emmett and Alice.

  Out of nowhere, Sam-wolf lunges, flanked by two wolves. They tear the newborn to pieces. Four other wolves dive into the fray. Meanwhile this happens, another savage conflict plays behind them. It's raw and brutal. Emmett sprints full-bore into the fight, relishing the battle. The wolves work as a pack, coordinated and deadly.

Jasper controls the field. It's strategy and speed vs strength. Rosalie fights with icy calm. Alice with precognition. Esme and Carlisle fight side by side. The newborns are brutal and strong as hell. The Cullens and the pack take some vicious hits. Paul-wolf charges into the clearing, tackling a newborn. He goes for it's neck.

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