The Formula

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FORKS HIGH SCHOOLThey're staring at her

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They're staring at her. She can feel it. With every gaze, the hairs on her neck stand. The harshest one of all? Edward's. His glares penetrate her soul, continuously stabbing her spirit with hurt and pain.

Jane dreads coming into class, for she knows what will he expected. The moment she walks inside, his fiery eyes focused on her. Frowning, Jane sits on her assigned seat and sets down the bag beside her feet. She releases a low sigh, and pressed her back against the blue chair, counting to ten.

Her heart pounds against her ribcage, asking to leave her body. Jane twitches beneath his glare, she's ready to leave. Her toes curl as she begins to dissociate. By now, the rest of the class has entered, along with the literature professor.  

"Fuck," Sylvia exclaims, her body jolting. Spinning around, she glares at the man behind her. Edward - fucking - Cullen. He looks back at her, confused. A dark shadow covers the area beneath her eyes. Her previously black hair, is now a darker shade of black, and the size of her pupil sits at the size of her entire eyeball. She looks like something that escaped hell, and now lays on planet earth.

Sylvia slowly removes herself from the chair, completely unaware of everyone's gaze on her. "Hello, Edward," she sings his name, walking toward the vampire. "I had a little bird-," she starts, but gets interrupted by the professor.

"Jane, take a seat," he instructs, peeling his eyes away from the chalk board. "It's name was Enza. I opened the window, and in-flu-enza," she continues, her eyes wide with anger.

Edward's eyes are now the size of sauce pans, and if his frozen heart could beat, it would have been banging against his chest by now. "I had a little bird. It's name was Enza. I opened the window, and in- flu-fucking-enza," she sings louder this time. Her song carries a darkness to it.

Sylvia now stands in front of his desk. Her hands wrap around his table as she glares at her. Not backing down, he narrows his eyes on her. "I had a little bird. It's name was Enza. I opened the window, and in-flu-enza," she sings in front of his face.

By now, the teacher stands beside her, trying to snap her out of her trance. The professor yells at her, instructing her to get back to her desk. But, Sylvia does not care. If anything, the professor's frustration and Edward's fury field her to sing a little louder.

"I had a little bird, Its name was Enza. I opened the window, and in-flu-" Sylvia gets interrupted by a voice. "Jane," it calls for the body's primary. Snapping her head toward the voice's source, she finds Alice rushing into the room.

"Come on. Let's go to the bathroom," she says, taking the girl's hand into hers. "Alice," Jane asks, running to the surface. Smiling, she leans in and wraps her in a hug.

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