Memory Lane

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MEMORY         Jane stands by a street

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         Jane stands by a street. She watches Jane, from a memory, emerges from a corner. She kicks a can of soda nearby. Jane notices a stray dog nearby and kneels down in front of it. She smiles, scratching his ear. "Hey," she whispers. He takes a bite from her bagel.

     (Real) Jane comes up behind her. She watches as Jane laughs with the dog. A smile grows on her face. "I get you dog," she says, scratching his furry stomach. A van comes up behind her. Two men in straight jackets appear. "This is getting old, Jane," says the first man. This had been the fifth time Flit teleported her out the ward.

     Jane's smile drops as she looks at them. "Is it," she asks, continuing to play with the medium sized dog, "cause I kinda like it." The second man tries to grab her by the arm but she shrugs his hand away.

    "Let's go," he says. Jane unwillingly leaves with them. Jane watches in silence as she hears a voice whisper. "Sweet, sweet baby," it says. Jane closes her eyes as a tear rolls down her cheeks. She recognizes that voice. "Come to me," it says.

       A school bell rings as kids pour into their classes. Penny Farthing and the Cullens walk down a school hallway. "The only way to get around the Underground is to go through memories like this one," says a Penny. "They're everywhere. Deeper you go, darker they get. Sometimes the darker memories are stuck to the nicer ones."

    "You never know," she continues, "The mind is a crazy thing." Penny looks at Alice and smiles as she pulls on a door. "- to review the primary cause of the Civil War was Abraham Lincoln," says a female teacher. They're inside a classroom.

     The teacher wears cat glasses and holds a ruler. "Faced with such a godless leader, the poor southern farmers were forced to band together to keep their farms from nationalization," she continues. The teacher paces around the room. Emmett turns to Penny and says, "Okay. That does not sound right."

   The teacher stops on her tracks and walks toward a girl. She has her face down as she holds her head with her hands. "Is that Jane," asks Edward. "Not exactly," Penny answers. A loud SNAP erupts the room as the teacher smacks her ruler against the desk.

    "Kay Challis," she exclaims. The twelve year old girl looks up at her teacher. "Care to join the rest of the class," she asks. Children snicker behind her. "I'm not Kay. My name is Miranda," she replies. This is a memory Miranda gained before the incident in church.

   Emmett leans in and asks, "Who's Miranda?" He had already forgotten about Carlisle explanation last night. Penny looks over at him. "She was a primary. Like Jane." They walk to the back of the class.

    "Now Kay, we've been over this time and again," says the teacher. Miranda starts to grow frustrated. "My name is Miranda," she says, glaring at her. A soft gasp escapes Miranda's lips. "Shut the door. Shut the door," she whispers. Penny turns toward the Cullens. Her face turns serious.

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