"Don't you fucking touch me," Hammerhead, formerly known as Kay Challis exclaims, and within a quick second, her face completely transforms. Now she wears a seductive smirk on her lips. "Oh, please touch me," she moans. It's known that Scarlet Harlo...
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THE WELL Jane tears through the forest again, searching. She turns and finds Edward. He's cold, distant. His face begins to morph...
... and becomes Alice's. She reaches for her but she bolts backward, suddenly many yards away. "Alice! Wait," she exclaims.
Alice, too, retreats further, disappearing until Jane is alone. Blackness encroaches, the red moonlight becomes a tiny spotlight on her. Jane searches the dark - then sees a pair of eyes, female, blood-red - coming toward her. She hears loud knocking.
JANE'S BEDROOM IN THE UNDERWORLD Jane tosses herself awake, slowly realizing it was just a dream. But she hears the loud knocking continue. Jane bolts upright, looks around for a weapon - a wooden paint brush. Slowly, she walks towards her door and opens it, sighing with relief as she sees Baby Doll standing before her.
"Hey," she smiles down at the five year old and sets down her painting brush. "Hi, Jane," Baby Doll looks at her, clutching her brown teddy bear. Her hair was pulled up into two mini space buns and she wore a pink nightgown with pink slippers.
"Come on in, babe," Jane opens the door wide for her and sets down the paint brush. She walks back to her bed. Baby doll sits next to her and places her head on Jane's shoulder. "Are you still having night terrors," she asks her, worried for her friend. Jane offers her a small smile and replies, "yeah.. but I'll get better. It won't be like this forever."
Baby Doll looks at her. Hopeful.
"Good. I don't want to lose you like we lost Miranda," she says, frowning slightly. Jane sighs and pulls Baby Doll close to her chest, holding her tightly. She kisses the top of Baby Doll's blonde head. Baby doll slowly falls back asleep. Jane slowly lifts herself off the bed. She was determined.
THE UNDERGROUND THE FIELD Jane tries to navigate her way to the field. She refers to a map, a compass. She never truly understood The Underworld. One wrong turn could trap you into a bottomless black hole. So, she always carries a map whenever she travels, even if it's to go somewhere she's visited plenty of times.
I was more afraid of the hole in my chest than I was of monsters. Without The Cullens, I needed happiness more than ever... Jane tries a trail; it doesn't look familiar. She backtracks and tries another. ... I needed to know it still existed. There was only one place I might find it, or the feelit... Jane's personal meadow
Her mind travels back through time. Jane and Edward dance in a lighted tent. It was prom night. They were surrounded by yellow crocus flowers, the night sky closing them up for the day. Jane's purple prom dress flows behind her as they look into one another's eyes...
The memory and her desperation fuel her. Finally, she sees a clearing ahead and hurries toward it.
Jane steps into the clearing, hopeful... but her face falls. In contrast to the warmth of her private meadow, the field is cold, gloomy, cloudy. She closes her eyes. She was lost. Her eyes open on the empty, overcast meadow.
Jane sinks to her knees. Tears threatening. But then she hears a rustling noise. She turns toward it, peers into the woods.
There's another rustling noise. It comes from another part of the woods. She spins toward it -- nothing. Then she turns and jumps when she finds. It was her father. He stood ten yards away. Jane can't believe it. She takes a step back.
"Daddy," she asks.
He replies, "Jane." He's an illusion. Her father, Arthur Challis begins to stroll in a slow arc around her, his eyes assessing her as Jane's face falls. Fear begins to dawn on her. He says, "I must admit, I didn't expect to find you here."
Jane, really Kay Challis but an older version, replies, "I live here now. I thought you died, daddy." He gives her one of his signature grins. "But I didn't," he sings. "Come here, baby. Give daddy a hug. We could play puzzles after." Fear strikes Jane's heart. She watches him spread his arms open.
"No," she whispers. "I don't want to." His grin flattens. "Come on, Baby Kay. Daddy misses you," he begins to walk toward her. Jane yells, "no!" She starts running, her hair blasting her hair face. He releases a demonic - like growl as he watches her run from him.
But Jane won't be able to run for long.
Jane runs franticly, tearing down the hillside, tripping, quickly picking herself up.
Running. Running. Running.
Jane dashes out of the treeline and to the train parked on the shoulder. She jumps in. Driver 8 quickly peels out.
JANE'S ROOM IN THE UNDERGROUND She slams her room door loudly, almost knocking out it's hinges. Jane starts screaming, pulling paintings off the red walls. Paint starts flying, papers start falling, tears start running. Her makeup was now smeared.