"Don't you fucking touch me," Hammerhead, formerly known as Kay Challis exclaims, and within a quick second, her face completely transforms. Now she wears a seductive smirk on her lips. "Oh, please touch me," she moans. It's known that Scarlet Harlo...
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VOLTERRA Pointy heels click on the floor as a slender woman walks through the castle's gigantic hallways. Finally, she stops in front of two large doors. Her knuckles come in contact with the door as she knocks. Soon, the doors open before her.
The human takes a step inside. "Ah. Valentina has brought us something," Aro awesome, rising from his throne. "She should not have interrupted us," Caius speaks from his seat. "She's new," Aro defends her from his brothers.
"Aren't they all," Marcus groans, almost zombie-like. The woman, Valentina, silently hands Aro a white envelope. Aro gives her a wide grin as he accepts it. "Ahh," he slides an invitation from the envelope, "L'amore ci mantiene.
It appears Edward and Jane are to be married," he announces. "What a joy," Marcus states, his voice dead and monotone. "This is the Cullen's way of announcing her transformation. They mock us with their delays," Caius comments.
"Patience, brother," Aro replies. He hands Valentina the invitation and envelope. His pale hands caress her cheeks as she smiles, staring into his eyes. Finally he speaks. "The human did interrupt," her smile drops.
Aro, Caius and Marcus walk away from their thrones. "Ah. I do love weddings," The leader, Aro, sighs. Valentina screams as Felix sinks his teeth into her neck. The three kings walk around a pile of dead bodies and into the hallway.
JACOB'S HOUSE Tanned arms wrap around Bella as she picks up the wedding invitation from the dining room table. The man pressed up against her is Jacob. Her lips adorn a smile as it reveals Jane and Edward's names, along with a location and date. The human spins and hugs the shapeshifter. "We're next," he whispers, holding her close.
SWAN RESIDENCE Charlie Swan holds the wedding invitation. He has his face in one hand while staring at it. A small smile appears as he looks out the window.
UNKNOWN LOCATION A pale hand holds onto the same wedding invitation. "It's happening," a male voice whispers. He starts walking toward the house.
CULLEN'S BACKYARD "I want everyone to pay attention. Now this is the hardest part. We're going to work," The Secretary marches in front of the Cullen family. "With me; Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Carlisle. Come this way," she leads them deeper into the backyard. The spoken names follow behind her.
"Let's see. I want you all working twenty-four hours a day, as if it was one of those Pocholo's raves. You know what I mean," she demands, looking at the immortals before her.
Both Jasper and Emmett get to their position. They pile out twenty benches made out of freshly cut trees. "Come on, people. Chi-qui boom! Chi-qui boom! Chi-qui boom," The Secretary imitates rave music.
Rosalie and Carlisle roll out a box of fresh flowers as Beethoven's 9th symphony, 4th movement plays in the background. Things start getting into place. "Every time we stop we lose time, so we're not stopping," The Secretary speaks, holding a speaker to her mouth.