"Don't you fucking touch me," Hammerhead, formerly known as Kay Challis exclaims, and within a quick second, her face completely transforms. Now she wears a seductive smirk on her lips. "Oh, please touch me," she moans. It's known that Scarlet Harlo...
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JACOB'S ROOM Bella quietly enters to find Jacob lying in bed. The entire right side of his body is in a series of braces. She can't bear to see him this way. "Hey, Jake," she calls him, softly. He looks up with some effort. He's short of breath, but he manages to smile.
"Hey. I was worried about you," he says. "You were worried about me," she asks. "Yeah. I guess I didn't see you come in after me," he replies.
Bella carefully sits next to him on the bed. "Was Carlisle easy on you," she asks, worried. "Yeah, but it hurt like hell," he replies, smiling still. Bella leans in and pecks his cheek. Jacob reaches and grabs her pale hand.
"It wasn't easy making you admit your feelings for me when you were with Edward," he says. "I only fought them, because I knew they would change everything," Bella holds his hand.
"We're right for each other, Bella. Loving you is as easy as breathing with me," he whispers. "You know I love you," Bella caresses his cheek. "I love you too, Bella," he replies. They talk for a little while longer before she finally rises. "Should I come back," she asks.
"I need some time to heal, but I'll always be waiting for you," he replies. "Forever," Bella says. "Forever," he whispers, smiling. She returns the smile. There's a special bond between them. Bella leaves his room, shutting the door behind her.
MEADOW – MAGIC HOUR The grass is welcoming and a rich green color. The wild flowers are in bloom. The light is low. Luminescent. Jane and Edward lie in the grass, her head on his chest. "April thirteenth," Edward asks.
"Yeah. It's a month before my birthday. Alice said she can get the wedding together by then," she replies, smiling. "Good," he whispers, smiling. They haven't discussed Jane's mortality, but right now they're taking things at a time. Whatever happens, happens.
"So, you're gonna let Alice plan the whole thing? Dress, the reception, the guest list... I mean, who knows who she's gonna invite," he asks. "Does it matter? As long as she doesn't invite the Volturi, I'm fine," she replies, smiling. Edward sits up, looks her in the eyes.
"I just don't know why you're doing this," he says softly. "What? The wedding," she asks. "You're trying to make everyone else happy. But you're already giving away too much," he answers.
Jane rises as well, going to him, clarity washing over her. "Edward, you're wrong. I'm getting married. I never thought that's ever be possible. Like, ever. I spent my entire life in a hospital and now I'm finally starting to see my happy ending. I'm happy. We're happy."
She faces him, insight energizing her as she speaks. "You have to understand that I'm not like everyone else, but being with you has been the most normal I've felt in.. forever. Who would have thought being around vampires would make me feel like myself," Jane grabs his hand, holding it close to her chest.
"Edward, I've had to face death.. and loss and pain in your world. But, I've never felt stronger and more real.. more myself. Because it's my world, too. It's where I belong. With you. And look, you.. you visited my world too. You healed that part of me. You stopped me from facing death in the Underground."
"Your family was there to protect us from him. You all went to hell and back just to find me. Edward, you've seen a side to me no one has ever seen. I wanna tie my self to you, in every way humanly possible."
"Well, then let's start with a wedding," Edward breaks into a smile. He places a strand of hair behind Jane's ear. Jane laughs, shaking her head. "Actually... Something, a little more difficult first. And maybe even dangerous. We have to tell Charlie," she replies, biting her lip. He whistles, "Now that's highly dangerous."
"It's a good thing you're bulletproof. I'm gonna need that ring," Jane replies, smiling. Edward smiles and pulls the black box from his pocket. He removes the ring and takes her left hand in his.
They're silhouetted by the light which reflects off the flowers, giving the blossoms a warm, magical glow. It is against this beautiful, romantic backdrop that Edward slips the ring onto Jane's finger... where it will stay for eternity.
JASPER AND ALICE'S ROOM A soft gasp escapes Alice's lips as she zones out.
Alice's Vision Bella and Jacob are arm in arm, sitting on the stoop in the bright sunlight. They're both in their late 20's, rocking an infant. Renee appears and takes the child. She joyously tosses her grandchild in the air.
Suddenly, they're in their early 30's. There are two kids now. Jacob roughhouses with the oldest boy as Bella and a happy, aging Charlie help the toddler girl to walk.
Then, they're in their 40's. There are two grown kids, piling out of Jacob's car. They're home for a holiday. Gray-haired Charlie and Billy are there with Bella to welcome them.
Finally, they reach their 60's. Bella and Jacob, who are graying now, play with their own grandchildren. Contended. A family.
JASPER AND ALICE'S ROOM Another gasp escapes Alice's lips. This time it's followed with a smile. The petite vampire continues to stitch beads onto Jane's wedding dress.
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