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BATHROOMA malnourished Jane sits on a chair within the Cullen's luxurious bathroom

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A malnourished Jane sits on a chair within the Cullen's luxurious bathroom. Her sister in law, Rosalie, kneels by the tub, running water for her. Pale from her abnormal pregnancy, she lifts herself from the wooden chair and stands before the mirror. Rosalie stands and goes to grab a towel for her.

Jane slides her robe off, revealing her skinny body.
Her body resembles life and death all in one. She stares at herself in the mirror. Scared. Suddenly, Edward appears behind her. Worried. Embarrassed, she slides her robe back on as Rosalie steps in and gently shuts the door.

Ansel and the Cullens gather around Jane, feared for her health. The room is dead silent. All they can hear is the football game playing on the television. Shivering, Jane slides her sleeves downs. "Are you cold," Edward asks her. Jane goes to answer but Ansel quickly places a quilt over her. "I got it," he says.

"Thank you.. It feels complete when you're here, Ansel," Jane smiles. Ansel reaches and caresses her head as Edward sits by her feet. Suddenly, she gets sick again. Her husband picks up the bucket and places it above her mouth. Luckily, Jane doesn't throw her food out. "We need to find a way to get some food into her system," Esme tells her family.

"If I could only see the fetuses," Alice starts but Rosalie is quick to cut her off. "The babies," she corrects her."Maybe I could figure out what it wants," Alice continues.

"Think you might be right. Ansel just had an idea," Edward tells them. "It might not work," Ansel shakes his head. "What were you thinking," Jane asks, curious. "They might.. be hungry for something else besides.. food," he answers.

"They're thirsty," she whispers. "I know the feeling. If it's craving, it's not gonna want animal blood," Edward replies. "I have some O negative laid aside for Jane. Walk with me, Edward," Carlisle instructs, walking into the kitchen. Edward follows behind.

Ansel helps Jane sit up on the couch. Edward and Carlisle appear in the room. The family doctor starts pouring blood into a cup for Jane to drink.
"Wait, wait, wait. You're gonna make her drink that," Jacob asks. Seth and Leah look disgusted at the red liquid.

"It's the fastest way to test the theory," Carlisle states. "Only if you're comfortable with it," Edward refers to Jane. "I'm kind-of disgusted, but I'll try anything," she replies, leaning back against a pillow. "Just hold on," he tells her. Edward slips a straw into the cup and hands it to her.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Seth comments. They watch Jane drink from the cup. Savoring the taste, she stops to think. "The hell," she asks herself, sucking on the straw once more. "It's.. good," she whispers, drinking more of the blood.

Edward smiles at his wife and rubs her shoulders. Carlisle goes in to take her pulse. "Your pulse is already getting stronger," he tells her. "It's working," Ansel smiles.

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