"Don't you fucking touch me," Hammerhead, formerly known as Kay Challis exclaims, and within a quick second, her face completely transforms. Now she wears a seductive smirk on her lips. "Oh, please touch me," she moans. It's known that Scarlet Harlo...
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THE CAR Jane is driving back to Forks after her meeting with Jenks. Alice's vision was clear. Eden and Rosalice would have a future. But Edward and her wouldn't be a part of it.
CULLEN'S LIVING ROOM Jane watches as Rosalice goes to Edward's arms. He picks her up lovingly and spins her around. Pouting, Eden runs after his sister. He, also, lifts his arms, wanting to be carried. Releasing a sad smile, Jane turns and leaves to the cottage.
COTTAGE'S LIVING ROOM Jane packs a bag for her children with some money and necessities. Running her hand down her face, she starts to writes a letter for them.
My dearest children, I thought we would have forever together. But forever isn't as long as I'd hoped. I know now why Alice left me clues. It was to keep you two safe. Everything will all need is in this pack. Leah and Seth will protect you both. And they'll help you learn about the Ticuna legends. I love you two so much.
Sincerely, Mommy, Daddy and Everyone Else
As Jane finishes up writing her letter to Rosalice and Eden, Alistair walks into the room. "It's a romantic notion, isn't it? That a righteous few can defy a great evil. I must admit, you even had me believing. For a moment," Alister chuckles. "Well, good luck," he turns and starts walking out. "You're gonna need it. Cheers," he disappears. Jane sits on the end of the couch, staring at the letter.
SWAN RESIDENCE Spending Christmas at Charlie's house, Jane watches the snow outside with worry. Edward walks up behind her. "The snow... it's sticking," she whispers. "Hey, we still have today," he replies. She watches as Sue helps Charlie clear up in the kitchen. "I'm so glad Charlie found somebody to take care of him," she says with a small smile.
"Jane, no one's giving up here," he replies. Jane hears the brother sister conversation. "What did you get me," Seth asks. "I'm not giving you anything," Leah replies, biting into a cookie. "Hey! No, come on, what did you get me," he asks again.
Then, Charlie walks into the room. "All right! Present time! Let's go! Seth, Leah, stop eating. Seth, you start. Get it going," he exclaims excitedly. Still smiling, Jane moves to sit on the couch as Seth passes a present to Rosalice.
Charlie sits beside his niece. "Well, uncle, we didn't have time to wrap yours, but here it is," Jane gives him a piece of paper. "It's a 5-day fishing trip to Fraser River. It's for you and Sue," she informs him. "You leave tomorrow," Edward adds in. "Wow, that's really nice. Thank you. Tomorrow? I can't leave tomorrow," he frowns, holding onto the tickets.
"I made arrangements for you at work," Sue exclaims from the kitchen. "Sneaky. And extravagant," Charlie comments. "And non-refundable, I'm afraid," Edward adds in. "You two trying to get rid of me," Charlie asks.
Jane and Edward go quite, thinking he might have figured out something is wrong. "Because it's working! Fraser River. That means we'll be chasing Cutthroat," Charlie exclaims with a chuckle. "We might even hook a Rainbow or some Bulls," Sue comments, sitting beside him.