Mrs. Cullen

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ALICE'S BEDROOMAlice is applying Jane's makeup

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Alice is applying Jane's makeup. "What did I say about beauty sleep," Alice playfully scolds her. "Sorry. We had a long night yesterday," Jane replies in a whisper. She scratches her arm. "Oh? What did you guys do," she asks. Jane looks down and cracks a small smile.

"We, uh," Jane looks up and cracks another smile, trailing off. "Fuck," she whispers, feeling Scarlet Harlot leaning over her shoulder. "We, uhm... yeah," Jane closes her eyes, trailing off again. She's dissociating.

"We just taught her some moves for her honeymoon," Scarlet Harlot replies after a moment of silence. Her sentence is followed with a giggle.

Alice looks over at Jane's body's reflection through her vanity mirror. "Oh? You might have to teach me," she replies, smiling. "Yeah! You totally should've been there. It was mad fun," Scarlet replies, bouncing on her chair.

Alice nods her head, moving to Jane's eyelids. "Im Alice. I don't think we've met," she says, unsure. Scarlet shakes her head and smiles. "I'm Scarlet. I mostly stay in the Underground," she replies, smiling. Alice forms her lips into a small "o", understanding.

Her shoulders drop as she slightly leans forward. Scarlet Harlot stares into the distance. "I need to go," she mumbles. Alice stops and leans back, placing a hand over Jane's shoulder. After a moment, Jane returns. Her posture straights.

"You okay," Alice asks her. "Yeah," Jane nods, "Just, someone was calling me. The Secretary was just asking me something about the DJ. I swear, that girl is my sleep paralysis demon."

Alice releases a small giggle. "Aww. She's just excited," she replies, continuing with Jane's makeup. Suddenly, Rosalie appears. "Alice, do you need some help? I could do Jane's hair," she offers, smiling. Jane smiles softly. "I'd love that, Rose," she replies.

The female vampire leans in and pecks Jane's cheek. Jane blushes, watching Rosalie and Alice through the vanity mirror. "Weddings! They bring everyone together," Penny Farthing exclaims, smiling. Jane releases a soft giggle. Rosalie positions herself behind Jane and starts on Jane's hair.

Charlie is staring at the Cullen's wall of graduation caps with curiosity. "Hey, so, did you find her," an unfamiliar voice asks. It's a woman. "Sirona, are those graduation caps," Charlie asks. The woman spins and looks at the caps.

"Huh. How creative," she says, smiling. "Or weird," Charlie comments under his breath. "Come on," she grabs her brother's hand. "Jane? Jane," Sirona calls for her niece, walking through the hallway. "In here," Jane exclaims from Alice's room room.

Sirona sees Jane all made up. "Oh my gosh! You're so beautiful! Oh, honey," she starts tearing up, "Crap! My mascara!" Jane watches the unfamiliar woman in wonder. Charlie arrives behind her. He stands by the door. Alice hands Sirona a handkerchief.

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