Love Spells

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  "How does this work, exactly," Bella asks, making way through the deserted road. She glances at Karen, watching her flip through a Victoria Secret magazine. Karen looks up from her magazine and instructs Bella to turn left.

They pass the Quileute Reservation sign.

Bella does as instructed. Again she asks, "they left Forks, Karen. Don't you think we should be taking an airplane?" Karen looks at her and sighs, focusing her eyes on the road.

A gold mist flutter the streets. It leads them to someone but only Karen is allowed to see mist.

    "Oh! It stopped," Karen gasps and sits up in her seat. Bella confused, stops in front of Jacob's house. "What? That's impossible. Edward couldn't possible be hiding here. Are you sure it's right?"

    Karen sighs and climbs out the truck. "It's not exactly a love spell, Bella. It's a tracking spell. It leads you to your greatest desires. Some you don't even know you have." Bella comes up behind Karen and follows behind.

The mist lead them to Jacob's home for a reason.

Bella was confused but went along with it anyway. She already made plans to pay Jacob a visit, especially now that he's been ignoring Bella for weeks. Jacob's father, Billy, told Charlie that he was sick but Bella was just not buying it.

        Karen knocks. "Oh! Bella's boyfriend," she sings, "we know you're in there!~" Bella shushes her with a look. Karen dismisses it and covers her mouth, giggling.

Karen knocks again.
Finally, Billy answers.

       "Oh? You're not Bella's boyfriend," Karen states, confused. Billy is a very handsome, middle aged, Native American man with a wheelchair. He looks at Karen then back at Bella.

"Hi, Billy. I know Jacob's sick but," Billy quickly interrupts Bella. "He's out with friends. Sorry."
Karen watched them interact.

Bella looks taken back as she whispers, "oh." Karen's eyes soften. "Well, I'm sure we can work something out, can't we Billy," she asks.
Karen's eyes glow as she tilts her head to the side.

She's playing a game with him and Bella knows it.

She's playing a game with him and Bella knows it

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