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THE UNDERGROUNDJane's Room          Jane appears at the Cullen's house

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Jane's Room
          Jane appears at the Cullen's house. She looks around before tentatively approaching the large, modern glass home. She climbs the porch steps, approaching the door...                   

      She enters to find it perfectly intact, lived-in, warm, candles glowing. The Cullen family were enjoying the evening - Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper. Jane is overwhelmed with joy at seeing them. "You're here," she smiles.                 

      But they ignore her. They won't even look at her.      She starts toward them but suddenly Edward appears and yanks her back, pulling her to the door         
and pushing her out. He slams it on her. Jane runs to the window and peers in at the family who continue to ignore her as they gather around Edward.         

JANE'S ROOM IN THE UNDERGROUND                         Jane awakens with tears on her face. She can't take it anymore. She gets the hell out of bed, anxious to leave the dream behind. But it stays with her...   

Hammerhead could be seen tying up her shoelaces. She looks at herself in the mirror and smudges her black lipstick a bit. Then she runs her fingers through Jane's curls. She stops. She notices the photo on Jane's vanity.

Karen had left it there.

She sighs and yanks it off the vanity, glaring at the man on it. "Fucking herpes," she mumbles, referring to the Cullens as she rips the photo up and tosses it into the bin. Hammerhead was not having it today. Yesterday she slept, hearing punches being thrown in the Underground.

People were still fighting. Without Jane, everything was turning to shit.

Hammerhead walks downstairs, listening to her spiked combat boots stomp against the ground. There she finds Bella. "Hey, what are you doing today," she asks, rummaging through the fridge. Bella shrugs her shoulders, shoving a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. She replies, "just visiting Jacob."

She hums and smiles, turning to look at Bella. "Well, can you drop me off at La Push? I couldn't sleep last night so I need to relax for a bit." A Lie. Bella buys it. "Oh, alright. We could go now," she turns to grab her keys. Hammerhead follows her outside.

Hammerhead sticks her hand out the window, feeling the wind brush past her fingers. The shadows under her eyes seem darker than usual. She is tired. Her soul can't handle being in Jane's body any longer.

Hammerhead was starting to crack.

    Bella's truck comes to a stop; Hammerhead climbs out and waves a quick goodbye. She walks deeper into the beach.

She watches Bella's truck drive off.              

     Charlie holds a rifle. It locks and loads. He was checking it. Then he notes the position of the six men in his hunting party, all wearing rain gear. He sees Harry at the end of the line, pausing, looking down. He asks, "you got something, Harry?"

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