Seattle Times

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SWAN RESIDENCE       After spending some time with Edward in the meadow, he had dropped her off at Charlie's

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       After spending some time with Edward in the meadow, he had dropped her off at Charlie's. They still haven't discussed of a plan to tell Bella. Jane walks into the dining area and sees her uncle, Charlie Chief, still in his uniform from a day at the station. His eyebrows furrow with concern as he reads the Seattle Times. The headlines read; "Murders, Disappearances, Possible Work of Serial Killer..."

       The article seems to worry him. He checks his watch - just as he notices Jane standing by the doorway. "Hey," she says, setting down a bag of clothes Alice had given her. "Hey, hun. Where have you been," he asks. Jane sighs and plops down on the chair in front of him. "Sleepover with Alice," she replies, "she told me she told you." He looks at Jane and nods his head.

      "Yeah. I just wish you'd actually answer your phone but I trust Carlisle - mean you were gone for three days. He said you were busy with therapy. How was it," he asks, leaning back in his chair. Jane releases a sigh and smiles, nodding her head. "It was," she stops to think of the right word, "relieving."

Charlie nods his head and throws a smile her way. "Good," he replies. That's when Jane notices the grey newspaper in his hand. "What's that?" He sits it down and slides it over to her. "People are missing," he mutters. Charlie begins to eat from his bowl of cereal. Her eyebrows knit together as she takes the newspaper into her hands. That's when they both hear the main door open and shut.

Jane looks up from the paper and watches Bella and Jacob appear. Charlie looks just as surprised as her. "Bella," he announces, watching their intertwined hands. "Hey dad. Hey Jane," she says, smiling at her. Jane's brows rise as she waves, "Um, I'll be upstairs." Jane removes herself from the chair and pecks Charlie's cheek before climbing up the stairs.

Jane's jet black hair spreads all around as she falls back on her bed. Running her hands over her silky comforter, she releases a sigh and rises up again. Slowly, she walks to her full-length mirror and runs her finger over the necklace Alice had gifted her last year. "How are you guys holding up," she asks. After a moment of silence, someone finally replies.

"Everyone's okay down here. Penny told us what happened. We're proud of you, Jane." It's Lucy Fugue.

Hearing this brings an automatic smile to Jane's lips. "Thank you, Luce," she whispers. A knock brings Jane out from her thoughts. She looks over and notices the knock came from her bedroom window. Jane realizes it's Edward and immediately lifts the latch.

Jane steps back as he climbs into her bedroom. Once he's inside, he rushes to her and wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her close. They smile at each other. "I'm telling Bella," Edward brushes a strand of hair behind Jane's ear. Jane turns her face and places her cheek on his hallow chest. "Do you want me to come," she asks. Edward shakes his head and plants a kiss on the top of Jane's head. "I need to go alone for this," he replies.

Jane takes his hand and leads him to her bed. Roughly, she pushes him back and climbs on top of him, flipping her hair to the side. Jane can feel Scarlet Harrot stirring inside of her but she wants to take things slow so she settles with a peck on his lips. He smiles and watches as she lays down beside him. Edward holds her close as they talk about their pasts.

        Jacob pulls up; he and Bella climb off his bike.
"Are you sure, this is a good idea," Bella asks before they step inside the house. The front door bursts open and Jared, Paul, Embry, & Quil pile out, shoving the last of a meal down their throats. Bella tenses, but much to her surprise and relief, Embry smiles when he sees her. "Looks who's back," he says.

      "Whatup, Bella," Quil smiles at her, shoving a muffin into his mouth. "Quil, you too," asks Bella. "Yep. Finally made the pack. I'm glad you're here, Bella. Maybe we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue."

        Paul chimes in, imitating Jacob, "I wish Bella would call." Jared pipes in, "I wish Bella wouldn't call." Embry walks in, "Maybe I should call Bella." Bella chuckles and looks down as she hears Quil say, "Maybe I should call Bella and hang up."

      "Alright, you can shut up now." Bella hears Jacob say behind her. She smiles as the guys laugh and push each other. Behind them a slender girl with cropped black hair exits. Leah Clearwater, 19. She'd be gorgeous if not for her scowl. Leah sees Bella and the scowl deepens. "Bella, this is Leah Clearwater, Harry's daughter, "Jacob introduces them.

      "Hey. I'm really sorry about your father." Bella looks at the girl, biting her lip. Leah scowls as she replies, "Congrats on the imprint." Bella goes to thank her but Leah moves off as Sam and Emily walk toward them. "Fun, isn't she," asks Jacob, smirking. Emily gives Bella a hug. Sam offers a pleasant nod hello.

     "Bella... Hi. Hey. I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again," Emily greets her. "Yeah, same here," replies Bella. Emily pulls her away from Sam and Jacob as she asks, "So, where's your cousin? How's she doing?"

    Bella smiles and nods her head, shoving her hands into her pockets. "She's alright. Jane's home right now." Emily stops in her tracks and smiles, standing in front of Bella. "I'm glad to here. Also I heard the news. Welcome to the impree committee. Have you told Edward," she asks. With a sigh Bella replies, "Not yet. I'll tell him today, though. It'll leave him heartbroken but," she stops to look at Jacob as he ad-lib macho challenges Paul, "It has to happen."

      "Yeah, I know it's hard but definitely worth it," Emily looks out and watches Leah look back at her. She abruptly falls forward – before her hands hit the ground. Her hand become paws. Leah, now a light grey wolf disappears in the woods. Sam turns to Emily to say goodbye. He looks into her eyes. Their connection is deeply intimate. As Sam gently kisses her, Bella politely looks away.

      It was around midnight when Jane wakes up to the other side of her bed empty. Her eyes open and she stretches, releasing a yawn. Slowly, she slips out her bed and walks outside, into the hallway. That's when she notices Bella walking out the single bathroom.

       "Bella," she calls for her cousin. Bella takes a step forward and looks at Jane. "Edward told me," she says, "I'm happy for you two, truly." Jane sinks that in, taking her time to notice how light and happy Bella looks. Her connection to Jacob has really changed her. They've gotten close ever since the Cullens has left her but Jane and Edward's kiss sealed their fate. Jane smiles as Bella does the unexpected and hugs her.

  After they hug it out, Bella goes back to her room, where Jacob awaits her. Releasing a sigh, Jane walks downstairs into the kitchen and opens the white fridge. All the vanilla pudding cups are gone. Slamming the fridge Hammerhead yells, "Assholes!"


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