"Don't you fucking touch me," Hammerhead, formerly known as Kay Challis exclaims, and within a quick second, her face completely transforms. Now she wears a seductive smirk on her lips. "Oh, please touch me," she moans. It's known that Scarlet Harlo...
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CLEARING IN THE WOODS Jane's Dream Jane's back in the field, only now she's alone. Someone circles around around her over and over until they're done. Jane notices Jasper standing in front of her. Out of nowhere, Maria steps next to him and whispers seductively into his ear; Jane can't hear what she's saying.
Jasper's eyes begin to turn blood red color. He's crazed with thirst. Jane watches as Maria disappears and gets replaced with Victoria. She lunges for Jane, and for once, instead of running she faces her enemy. Jane swings at her-
JANE'S ROOM Mid-swing - Edward catches her fist. She was dreaming, but the fist was real. Her eyes focus, realizing she swung at Edward. Jane's heart is racing. "What is it," he asks, worried. Jane's hair sticks to her sweaty face as she shakes her head. "Nothing," she whispers.
SEATTLE – UNDER A BRIDGE It's dark. Riley appears in the shadows, dragging by the collar, a barely conscious, athletic, young man. His name is Tristan, 18. Riley effortlessly pulls Tristan's weight behind him as he traverses the long stretch of the underpass.
Tristan tries desperately to focus. The bump on his head prevents lucidity. "Stop... I," he mumbles but he's dragged over a stone. He cries out in pain. Riley ignores him, finally reaching his destination. He releases Tristan who drops hard to the ground. Tristan's blinded by the darkness. He's dazed and terrified – he starts to crawl away.
Tristan doesn't see a pair of boots step up behind him. He manages to get to his feet and is about to run. Suddenly, a hand wrenches him backward... it's Victoria. She forces him to his knees, his back to her. She shoots a smile at Riley – he returns it, backing away from the coming blood. She yanks Tristan's head to the side to expose his neck. "Welcome to the army," she whispers, digging her razor-sharp teeth into his neck.
CLEARING IN THE WOODS Bella and Jacob face Jane and Edward. They're in the center of the field. Jasper stands several paces behind Edward. "You're not fighting? What, you pull a muscle or something," Jacob asks Edward. "He's doing it for Bella. The more people here, the better," Jane replies, not bothering to look at him.
Jacob looks at her, then at Edward. He shakes his head with disdain. "Whatever. Just tell me the plan," he asks of them. Jasper steps forward slightly. "This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns with Jane's scent. It needs to end here," he explains.
"Edward, Bella and I are going to a campsite. Even if he carries her, they'll still pick up our scents," Jane states. "Your stench, however, is revolting," Edward says, glaring at Jacob. "Dude, you really don't want to start comparing stinks," Jacob fires back. "What he means, is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me," Bella clears the air.
"Done," Jacob states. "This is not a good idea," Edward shakes his head. "Edward. They won't want to get anywhere near his... odor," Jasper steps in. "Okay, let's just try it," Bella suggests. Edward finally nods. She extends her arms to Jacob. He grins and picks her up, holding her tight. "Eau de wolf, comin' up," he exclaims. "Run," Edward instructs.