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Some answers to your questions

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Some answers to your questions.
Please ask away in the comment section and I'll answer.

What sort of mental illness does Jane have?
-Dissociative Identity Disorder. It's a disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states, also known as ''alters.'' Dissociative identity disorder, previously called multiple personality disorder, is usually a reaction to trauma as a way to help a person avoid bad memories. This was caused by Kay Challis/Jane's abuse, caused by her father.

How long was Jane in the mental ward for?
Four years.

How many personalities does Jane have?
64 active personalities. Though there are more who stay hidden in the underground.

Is the Arkham Asylum the same as Gotham?

Does Jane's life take part in Gotham?
Yes. Jane is actually a character known as "Crazy Jane." She was in several different comic books and a has show called, "Doom Patrol."

Does that mean Batman and the Joker exist in the Twilight world?

Do the Cullens know Jane is the same person from the same comic books they used to read?
No. But they'll eventually find out.

Who is the main owner of the body?
Kay Challis is the original owner of the body. She is the Swan's biological family member. Jane is just the active personality in the body for now. Charlie doesn't see her as Jane though, to him she's still Kay Challis.

What are some of Jane's personalities and their powers?
I wrote a chapter on that. It's called "The Personalities."

What happend to Kay Challis and Miranda
Kay Challis, the original owner of the body, had been sexually abused by her father at the age of five. This first started when she was playing with her puzzles, which is why one of the monsters in the underground named "Daddy" forms up like puzzles. It also resembles Kay's father.

So, after this started happening Kay began to transform a new alter by the name of Miranda. She stopped responding to "Kay." She even spoke differently. Some time later "Miranda" had turned twelve years old and Easter had came around the corner.

Miranda had came to church with her father and was one of many victims of rape. This actually created a new alter in the underworld, named Stigmata. She was briefly mentioned "Dissecting the girl." She bleeds from her hands and feet and relives the church incident endlessly.

After the incident at the church Miranda went back to the underworld and paid the Weird Sisters a visit. They told her to go to the well. There Miranda spent several days and once she came back she was never the same again. Now she spends the rest of her days in her station where she relives the incident at the church.

Only "Driver 8" and "The Signal Man" can pass by her station without wanting to commit suicide. From afar you can see a series of different colors, swirling but as you look closer you can see a series of bodies hanging from the ceilings. So after both Kay Chalkis and Miranda left the body, in came Jane, along with the rest of her alters.

Jane was sent to the mental ward shortly after what happend at church.

Are Jane's personalities spirits who possess her?
Yess. They actually are. They're Jane's spirit guides and protect her from anything that could traumatize her. Though, doctors don't see it like this. They confuse this with DID, which in one way it is since Jane acts differently with each personalities.

This explains how almost every personality had an ability and also how Sylvia knew about Edward's past in "Welcome to the panic room."

How does Jane know about vampires?
The mental ward had many as both doctors and nurses. This was similar to how Alice also had a doctor as a vampire when she was human.

Will Jane kill Bella?
Bella will stay alive.

How does the Underground work?
Whenever a personality/alter is away from the surface/the body, they stay in the underground. They could either be at their own station, the main area which was shown in my chapter "Flit," the well, which is very unlikely, the train station or a memory.

Can Edward read Jane's mind?

What was the electric tank you wrote about in the first chapter?
The doctors suggested they placed an electrical tank in Jane's room to control her powers. This was so she couldn't harm the staff.

Why did they mostly keep Jane in a tank full of water during her stay at the mental ward?
This was in case Daddy Sun or Katy rose to the surface and tried to set the hospital on fire.

Is Daddy and Daddy Sun the same?
No. Daddy is one of Jane's inner demons. It's considered more of a monster, rather than an alter but it's still apart of Jane.

Daddy sun is 100% one of Jane's alters. She resembles a sun whenever she comes to the surface. Her head turns into a ball of flame and her skin becomes like lava, similar to Katy.

What parent is related to Charlie?
Jane's mother.

Those are most of your questions but feel free to ask anything else🦋✨

Those are most of your questions but feel free to ask anything else🦋✨

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