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I unlock from my body

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I unlock from my body. These arms are not my arms. This face is not mine. I float in the air, watch my body, curled in a fetal position, moaning. I am safe in the sky though I become afraid I don't know how to go back. I watch a concerned friend bent over me, trying to get me to eat. Finally I return to my body and take a bite.

Out of nowhere I'm triggered. I am in a different place, a different year, I've become a former self. I'm living the memory again. I can taste the air, smell the musty scent of a memory I wished could stay unremembered. I am back in the house again, sitting on a threadbare sofa, while she lectures us.
I study the women surrounding me. I feel low, inhuman, like an animal who is unwanted. I feel frozen. Eventually the scene fades to grey and I come home to myself, with a throbbing headache
and an aching heart. I come home childlike and small, vulnerable and emotional, struggling to ground myself in reality again.

And so it continues

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