How It All Happened

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Trigger Warning: SeizuresMEDICAL ROOMThe Sin Eater has left the body to heal itself from the pain

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Trigger Warning: Seizures
The Sin Eater has left the body to heal itself from the pain. It's been a couple hours since the body's started it's transformation and Jane is still in the Underground. Her screaming continues.

The body still appears to be dead. The Cullens are  worried, yet hopefully. Alice bathes and dresses Jane in fresh clothes. "She shouldn't be this still," Edward whispers, worried. "It's the morphine," Carlisle assures his son.

"Maybe I was too late," Edward wonders, heartbroken. "You haven't. Listen to her heart," Ansel instructs, standing between the father and son.

Jane's roommate, Penny Farthing, runs a wet towel over Jane's sweaty face as she kicks and screams. Her throat is dry and hoarse from screaming for two days straight, but screaming is her only outlet for the pain she feels.

Karen and Dr. Harrison stand around her, worried. Suddenly, Jane's body freezes mid-scream. "Woah, woah. What the hell happened," Hammerhead asks, walking into the room. "I don't-," Karen gets cut off as a blue light appears. All of the sudden, Jane disappears.

"What in the bloody hell," Penny exclaims, confused. The three girls look at each other. They rush out Jane's station and pile into the train, calling a search party in the Underground.

A soft breath escapes Jane's lips. It's too low for the Cullens to hear. She's in the surface without knowing it. Slowly, Jane's dark hair starts to thicken. Her previously broken spine reconnects, along with the incision in her stomach. Jane tries to scream in pain, but the venom freezes her mouth shut.

Jane watches a light appear in the darkness. Something unfolds in front of her. Suddenly, she appears in, what seems like, a 1990s hospital room. There's a woman lying on a white hospital bed. She holds onto something pink. It's a newborn baby.

Slowly, Jane walks toward her. She remembers her face from somewhere, but she doesn't know from where. "Sweet. Sweet, Baby Kay," the woman coos with a smile. Startled, Jane steps back. Those words haunt her everyday of her life.

Behind Jane, a door slams open. A large man appears into the room. Jane recognizes him as a younger version of her father. He comes around the woman and smiles, kissing her forehead. "She's so beautiful," he whispers.

"Arthur, tell me you'll take good care of her," the woman tells him. "Mom," Jane asks, unsure. Arthur Challis looks at his wife. "Don't say that, Mary-Anne. You will make it. I'm sure we can stop it from spreading," he tells her.

"Stop what from spreading," Jane asks, balling her fist. The couple doesn't hear her. "Stop what," she yells again, getting furious. "We will stop it. Ca-," her father's voice sounds muffled, "a-n.. cer, won't ruin us."

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