"Don't you fucking touch me," Hammerhead, formerly known as Kay Challis exclaims, and within a quick second, her face completely transforms. Now she wears a seductive smirk on her lips. "Oh, please touch me," she moans. It's known that Scarlet Harlo...
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EDWARD'S VOLVO Throughout the entire car drive, Jane feels Edward's intense gaze on her. His golden orbs never leave her skin. She knows he wants to speak to her about something. Immediately, she climbs out Edward's car as soon as they arrive her new home.
That's when she notices how Charlie car isn't in the driveway. Opening the front door, she looks back, noticing Bella and Edward talking in whispers.
SWAN RESIDENCE Rolling her eyes, Jane enters the house. Sighing, she grips onto the stair railing and slowly climbs up the stairs. Finally, she made it to the hallway.
JANE'S BEDROOM She opens her bedroom door open, and smiles at the sight of her bed. "God, I've missed you," she whispers, plopping down onto the bed mattress. After a moment, she finally lifts herself off her bed, and walks toward her cabinet.
Jane picks out some night-wear, along with some underclothes and her black her slides. Rolling into the upstairs hallway, she notices Bella's and Edward's voice coming from downstairs.
BATHROOM Paying them no mind, she walks into the single bathroom and sets down her clothes. Jane stands in front of the mirror and smiles, tracing her fingers over the heart necklace on her neck. It's a gold heart-locket Alice gave her earlier when she was dressing her up. It's the only sentimental thing Jane owns.
Charlie, Bella and the Cullen family are the closest thing Jane has to family. Alice, Bella and Rosalie are like her sisters. Jasper and Emmett are her brothers. Esme is the closest thing she ever had to a mother, and Charlie and Carlisle are like her father; except better. That left Edward.
Jane never spoke to Edward directly, but she can't help but feel a sense of belonging with him. Occasionally, she'd find him standing in her room late at night. Whether it was real or a figment of her imagination, it makes her feel secure. And this isn't a brotherly sense of security - no. It's different. Biting her bottom lip, Jane releases her hold of the necklace and undresses herself, stepping into the shower stall.
JANE'S BEDROOM After some time, Jane finally finishes in the shower. Slipping into her sleeping clothes and slides, she walks into her bedroom and sighs, sitting at the end of her purple bed. She wipes her hair with the fluffy towel, and looks down, playing with her fingers. Suddenly, a wave of inspiration strikes her. Jane removes herself from her bed, and walks to the corner of her room.
She draws out her wooden easel, along with a blank canvas, her oil paints and a few paintbrushes. Jane adjusts the canvas to sit as low as it possibly can and takes a seat in front of it. Brushing a strand of black hair behind her hair, she crosses her legs and grabs her brushes. She begins to clean the hairs from any paint residue.
Once she's finished, she dries them off and begins to pour some colors onto some paper plates. Dipping her flat brush into the pool of red paint, Jane draws the purple brush across the blank canvas. Her room is dead silent. All Jane hears is the noise her paint bottles make whenever they're being squeezed. She lets her tanned hand lead her to the painting's final outcome.
After some time Jane is finally finished. Sighing, she leans back, her elbows support her upper body. Jane observes her painting from afar, watching the colors swirl around. That's when she hears a voice behind her. It's one of which has never spoken a word to her. "It's beautiful," it whispers. Jane grows goosebumps, it's voice reacting with her body.
"Thanks," she replies in a quiet whisper. The figure behind her walks around her and takes a seat on the floor. He sits beside Jane, observing her priceless artwork. Jane's painting is a series of different colored bodies, hovering over a red sky. But, if you look at it with your head tilted, you can see a pale man holding a woman's bleeding body.
Jane watches as Edward's eyebrows knit together. He trains his eyes on the piece of art before him. It's like nothing he's ever seen in his entire existence. The bodies and the skies actively dance across the canvas. Jane smirks and leans in, running her fingers across the canvas. Suddenly, the pale man, from before, is standing in the far left of the corner as the female body levitates.
"It's true. It's not your imagination," she says, smiling. He's in complete awe. "How did you do that," he asks, amazed by her talent. Her smile slightly drops. "I have a lot of time on my hands.. The Hangman's Daughter taught me," she replies, staring at the vampire sitting beside her. Edward nods slowly.
"I believe I met her the day you came," he says. Jane's smile returns as she replies in a whisper , "Yeah. Maybe." Edward turns his neck to look at Jane. Their eyes meet and Jane's breath hitches. "Who's Hammerhead and why'd she try to grab Emmett," he asks after a moment of silence. Laughter escapes from Jane's lips.
"Hammerhead," she sighs, smiling, "She's one of my active alters. Absolutely hates men - like fifty-percent of my other alters. Um, and she's very strong. Like, the hulk strong.. Funny, whenever she wants to be, but never kisses and tells," she finishes her explanation, her smile turning into a smirk.
"Want me to call her," she asks. Edward quickly puts his hands up and laughs. "No. No! I don't want her to dislike me more than she already does," he says, smiling. They burst into a fit of laughter. Once they're finished, they stare at each other for what seems like the longest time.
"May I ask why you were upset with me," Jane interrupts the silence. He sighs and runs his pale fingers over his auburn hair. "Alice had a vision at school. It's.. It's something I never saw something," he replies.
Jane turns her head to look at her painting. She nods her head in understanding. "Right. I see," she whispers. "You're not going to ask me what she saw," he asks, suspicious. Smiling, Jane shrugs her shoulders. "If it's anything serious, Lady Purple would have told me. So, no. I won't," she replies. Edward nods, noticing a different from Bella.
He watches as Jane picks up her her paint-brush, stroking it onto the painting. Jane begins on another body. Three pale men. One with brown hair, another with black hair and the last one with blonde hair.
"My family loves you, Jane," he says, watching the girl before him. "So do I, Edward," she replies softly. He continues to stare at her before he slowly stands up off the floor. "'My family and I plan on playing baseball tomorrow evening. You're always welcomed to come if you'd like," he offers. Hearing this brings an immediate smile to Jane's lips. "It's a date," she replies.
Chuckling, Edward exists her room. Jane watches as he walks into Bella's bedroom. He left Jane alone with her thoughts."The field, Jane," she hears the Weird Sisters whisper, "Go to the field."In the end, love is what makes us see life in another color and lately, Jane is beginning to see everything grey.
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