"Don't you fucking touch me," Hammerhead, formerly known as Kay Challis exclaims, and within a quick second, her face completely transforms. Now she wears a seductive smirk on her lips. "Oh, please touch me," she moans. It's known that Scarlet Harlo...
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Hammerhead has spent several nights with the Swans. She hates to admit it but she's been helping Kay Challis' uncle with his daughter Bella. Instead of using the word 'helping' she considers this as 'the only thing to do.' The outer word was still as depressing as last time.
She almost regrets her decision on staying but anything is better than watching your friends in The Underworld fight each other. Though, she wouldn't mind this from regular people and would probably cheer them into fist fighting it was different when it's came to her friends.
Cartoonish laughter escapes the .T.V box, followed by a speeding noise. Hammerhead sits on Charlie's couch, watching "The Looney Tunes." A mega size bowl of popcorn sits on her lap as she yells, "run, bitch. The fuck you standing for?"
On the screen it shows three hillbilly hunters going after Porky Pig. She shoves a fist-full of popcorn into her mouth and stares at the screen. Emotionless. Longing, even. No one has been able to find Jane, yet. Some would say she even misses her. Driller-Bill has been leading guards to try and find Jane but they haven't as of yet.
Driller Bill is one of Jane's many personalities. Despite never having been surfaced, she resides in the Underground and this personality is shown to be a butch African-American woman. She helps Driver 8 and the other keep maintenance of The Underground. At some point in her life, Kay Challis experienced a traumatic event that splintered her mind into many different personalities so it is unknown specifically when Driller Bill was manifested but doctors have reason to believe she arrived when Jane became the dominate personality.
The door opens, revealing an exhausted Bella. She held onto two dilapidated, rusting motorcycle parts. "Hammerhead," she calls onto her, walking inside the room. The said girl looks up from the screen and shoves another fist full of popcorn into her mouth.
"You were supposed to go to school today. Remember? I asked you if you wanted a ride and you said you'd walk instead. I left, trusting you'd be there but you never came," she says, placing down the motorcycle parts.
Hammerhead rolls her eyes and replies, "one thing you need to learn from me, Bella, is that you can never trust me. And plus- unless there are classes about getting away from murder I'm not allowed to. Charlie asked me to stay home til Jane comes back."
Her eyes turn back toward the screen.
Bella looks at her, confusion written on her face. "What do you mean," she asks. Hammerhead looks up from the screen and shrugs her shoulders. "Oh, yeah! Jane's missing. We're trying to look for her in the system but it's like she completely vanished. Charlie asked me to stay til she comes back so."
"Oh," Bella whispers.
She sighs and nods her head, walking into the kitchen. She soon reappears with a sandwich in hand. Bella sits beside Hammerhead. "Hey, I'm visiting mine and Jane's friend later. You could come if you'd like." Hammerhead grumbles a quiet, "yeah, sure" and continues to watch her cartoons with Bella.