Author's Note

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The last Marshall Lee x reader wasn't as good as I had wanted it to be, so I decided to make a new version of the last story.

And I know most of you like the Invader Zim stuff I write but I really don't want to write anymore Invader Zim stuff. I'm sick of it.

Don't get me wrong, I very much appreciate you all for reading and liking the stories, but I've had more fill of Invader Zim stories. And personally, most of the stuff I wrote for it was pure cringe.

Hopefully you guys will like this just as much, and if not, then at least I can say I tried.

-Thank you

(Also, quick warning for the story you are about to read: Minor to major swearing, violence, and slight sexual themes)

(Also also, a little guide for werewolves in this story.

Werewolf form: You will be the typical half beast creature, you stand up on two legs, covered in fur, and super buff.

Wolf form: You are just a wolf but you're huge, big enough for someone to ride you

Humanoid form: You look like a human, but you have wolf ears and tail.)

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