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"Yay! You decided to hang out with us after all!" Fiona says as she saw Y/n with Marshall. "I guess...I was just bored." Y/n shrugs. "Well you're in luck, me and Cake were just about to go on an adventure." Fiona smiles. "What are you guys up to this time?" Marshall asks. "Don't really know." Fiona shrugs. "We're just gonna roam around looking for whatever looked fun." Cake joined her side, handing Fiona her backpack and sword.

"Is that really all your adventures are?" Y/n asks. "Psh, of course not!" Fiona says waving her hand. "Sometimes we fight bad guys and save princes from said bad guys. Other than that, we just do whatever." Fiona tucks her sword away and grips the arms of her backpack. "Now let's go!"

Like Fiona said, the group had a random adventure filled with weird quests and even saving Prince Gumball from the Ice Queen. Once Fiona and Cake defeated her, Marshall gave the queen a genuine friendly smile, as if he's known her for a long time. And Y/n could have sworn she heard him utter the word Simone. So that's her, to be honest, Y/n expected something a little different.

For one, she thought she wouldn't be so...crazy? She'd have to ask Marshall more about her later. After that, they all went to the candy kingdom. The sweet scent filled Y/n's enhanced sense of smell a little too much. It smelled way too sweet, it was killing her. She thought she'd die of cardiac arrest just by breathing. The candy prince gave a tour for Y/n's since she's never been here before.

She's never seen so many friendly faces before, well, all except the bad candies. Y/n looked up at the castle to see two creatures having a staring contest with each other. Gumball informed her of the two once he noticed her staring. Gulliad and Stormo, interesting creatures...

Once the tour was done, the group headed back to the treehouse for some good old fashion video games. Y/n of course, had no idea what to do with the controller and had be told more than once what to do. But you can't really blame her, given she's never had any sort of technology in her life before. But once she got the hang of it, she was obsessed.

So obsessed, that she managed to loose track of time. "Ah! Oh no!" She looked out a near by window to see that it was night time. "It was fun guys, but I have to head back to my pack." She turned into a wolf. "Thanks for today!" She said as she ran out the door. "What's up with her Marshall?" Cake asks. "I think she might have had something to do with her pack." He floats upward. "Imma check it out."

"I thought you two didn't like each other." Fiona says while yawning. "Well, we aren't close but we defiantly aren't on a hate basis anymore. Besides I should be heading back to my place too." Cake picks up Fiona and swaddles her like a baby. "Night Marshall." She says as she takes Fiona up to their shared room. Marshall waves before taking his leave.

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