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The girl sits up straight and rubs at her sore wrists, the marks from the rope still visible, it would surely bruise. "Trust me, as much as I would love to maul you for tying me up, I really don't have the energy." Marshall was still cautious, he was the one that actually fought her. She was stronger then she looked. "Now, you were saying?" Says Cake. The girl let's out an annoyed sigh. "Let's just say, if your vampire buddy were to get too close to my pack, it would be over for him." Marshall scoffed, making the girl glare at him. "Vampires have been giving werewolves trouble for many many years. We thought they were finally all wiped out, it was a huge relief for us all. Still have no idea how that happened."

"Yeah, that was me." Marshall says casually. The girl snaps her head over to him. "You?" The girl says unbelieved. "It's true." Fiona said. "He even took down the vampire queen herself. With our help of course." Marshall rolled his eyes. The girl was at a loss for words, was she hearing them correctly? "Why would you wipe out your own kind?" She asks. "Because my own kind were a bunch of mindless murderers. I didn't have any other choice. And I wouldn't be a "soul sucking vampire" if it weren't for the vampire king. So blame him for my existence."

The girl's ears lower slightly. Did she really feel pity for this vampire? "Ummm, so wanna tell us your name now?" Cake tried to break the tension. "If I do, will you finally let me go?" The girl asks. "Depends. You gonna keep coming back every night?" Marshall raised an eyebrow. "Ugh, no! I'll stop ok!?" She snarls. Marshall nods, giving her the ok. "My name is Y/n." She finally admitted. "Now let me g-" She was interrupted by a distant howl. Her ears turned up to the call. "Another one?" Fiona asks. "My father." Y/n groans. "Welp, I'm gonna get it for this." She stands up and turns to Marshall, she stares him down before speaking. "Stay out of my way. And don't even think of tracking down my pack." Her voice was low.

"We'll see." Marshall smirks devilishly. Y/n growls before running out the door and into the woods. The three watching her as she goes.

"You think we'll have to deal with her pack at some point?" Fiona asks. "Knowing the situations were normally put in, most likely." Cake sighs. "Just what I need, to pick a fight with a bunch of dogs." Her tail bristles and frizzes out. "Don't worry guys, I don't plan on getting involved with her or her pack anymore than I have already." Marshall tells them.

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