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The two ended up talking longer than they thought they would have been. It turns out, Marshall wasn't half as annoying as Y/n first thought he was. But he still knew how to push her buttons. And Y/n was as uptight and snappy as Marshall first thought. But she still gave him a stern growling whenever she was pushed to it. They had learned more and more about each other the more they spoke. They both got a lot of things wrong about each other and it was quickly corrected once brought up.

Marshall looks up at the sky, which was slowly turning bright again. Which means it was time for him to go. "Oops. Well, it's been fun puppy but I have to get going before my flesh is charred off." He started to float off. "Let's hang out again, huh?" Y/n thought about it for a moment before nodding. "Sure. How about next time, we see who can last longer in combat? I want to get even with you from the first time we threw down." She smirks. Marshall chuckles. "Sounds fine by me puppy." He flies off.

"Keep calling me that and we're going to throw down right now!" She calls after him. She could help but smile slightly to herself. "Great...now I have to wash his scent off." She sighs before looking for a near by lake.

Y/n, in her wolf form, finally finished soaking in the lake. Climbing out, she shook, sending water flying off of her fur. She stretches out, before starting off back to her home. But once again, she was stopped by something else. She sniffs the air and looks behind her at a gathering of bushes. She walks over and peers through to see the same human and cat she's met before. "What the-"

"See, I told you the bushes were a bad idea!" Fiona said to her feline companion. "What? No way, the bushes are an iconic hiding place!" Cake argued. "It's too predictable!" Fiona groans. "Hey!" Y/n says louder, to get their attention. "What do you think you're doing? Spying on me like this..." Fiona quickly waved her hands while shaking her head. "No no no! We weren't spying, we were just uh....observing?" Cake shook her head at the poor excuse. "Observing?" Y/n raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we just wanted to see what werewolves do in their free time." Says Fiona. "You like to bathe, apparently." Cake says while shivering. Of course she hates the thought of willingly going into water. She is a cat after all. "I wasn't bathing." Y/n turned back into her humanoid form. She takes hold of her tail and wrings it out like a wet rag. "Then what were you doing?" Fiona asks. Y/n hesitates. "Uh...I was just um, cooling off! Yeah, that's it! With all my fur, I easily get hot so I wanted to jump in the lake for a while!" She lies.

Fiona and Cake hummed, suspicious of her tone. "Something tells me you aren't telling the truth." Cake says. "W-what do you mean?" Y/n's ear twitched awkwardly. "Me and Fiona grew up together, I know when she's lying to me." Cake tells her. "It's true!" Fiona chimed in. "So spill sister!" Y/n backs up a bit, ready to run if she had to. "Spill what? I already told you what I was doing out here!"

"A-and what's it any of your business if I wasn't doing what I told you anyway!?" Y/n's tail bristles. "Yep, she's defiantly lying." Cake conforms. "Come on just tell us!" Fiona begs. Y/n was about to book it before Cake wrapped her stretchy arms around her, stopping her form doing so. "Now you're stuck with us until you tell us the truth." Fiona chuckles.

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