Chapter 1

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"A werewolf? What, like the why-wolves?" A young adventure asks her vampire friend. "Nah, this one was different." Marshall tells her. "So just a normal werewolf then? I'm sure we can handle it!" The adventure says as she draws her sword. "Fiona, put your sword away and think." Her feline companion interrupts. "Even if we did go after that werewolf, how would we know what we're up against?" Fiona sighs and sheathed her sword. "I'm sure I could kick its butt just fine Cake."

Marshall Lee chuckles and leans back, while floating in mid air. "She was pretty strong Fi. And territorial too, it's like she was just waiting for me to try something." Fiona tilts her head. "Try something? Did you?" She asks. "Well duh. Wouldn't just gonna let her growl and huff at me all night." The vampire smirks proudly. "Mhm. Do you know when she's gonna be back?" Cake tunes in.


"And that's where we come in!" Fiona once again unsheathes her sword. "We'll make sure that wolf doesn't bother you again Marshall!" Marshall Lee rolls his eyes. "Uh huh. You do that."

Later that night the three were up late waiting for the previously discussed wolf. So far, there was no sign of her, and it was only getting later and later. "Uhhh, you sure she's coming?" Fiona said before yawning, she glances over to see Cake sleeping soundly. "I never said I knew she was coming tonight. Hell, she probably got the right idea staying away from here." Marshall Lee said while fiddling with his axe bass. "After the beating I gave her, she probably gave u-"

Marshall Lee was cut off by a distant howl. The howl awoke Cake, who's tail frizzed out. "Is that her?" Fiona grips her sword tightly. Marshall Lee looks out of his window, with his enhanced, and demonic vision, he saw the same wolf from last night. "Yep. But she isn't anywhere near here so don't go doing anything stupid-and she gone." Marshall Lee groans as he saw Fiona running out the door.

"Get ready to eat it wolf!" Fiona gets ready to swing. The werewolf growls and pounced just and Fiona takes a swing. Before Fiona could land a hit on the wolf, she transformed back into her humanoid self to avoid the attack. The girl quickly got behind Fiona pinned her face down. "Just who do you think you are?" The girl growled in Fiona's ear. "You're just begging for death aren't you?" Her claws sank into Fiona's back.

Suddenly the ground began to shake, both females looked up to see Cake in her giant cat form heading towards them. "Get off my little Fiona!" She hisses loudly. The girl jumped off of Fiona and turned back into a wolf. Before she could make a run for it, Cale reached down and grabbed onto her tightly. The wolf bit down on Cake's hands. "Ow! You little..."

Cake shrank down, wrapping her stretchy arms around her while doing so. The wolf only thrashed around more and more, snarling loudly. "Alright, that's enough." Marshall Lee's voice came from behind the wolf and Cake. He stopped being invisible then chops the wolf in the back of the neck, successfully knocking the wolf unconscious.

Cake let go of her just as she was turning back into her humanoid form. "You ok Fiona?" Cake asks and the adventurer walks over, rubbing her sore back. "Yeah, I've had worse." She looks over at the unconscious werewolf girl. "So what are you going to do with her?" She asks Marshall Lee. "I mean...I could kill her." He shrugs. "Uhh, or you could question her about why she's been stalking you." Cake suggests. "Eh, fine. Let's go before the sun comes up." He floats over to his cave home.

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