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Y/n looks at him in shock. "Excuse me?" Marshall looks her head in the eyes. "Who. Gives. A. Shit." He said clearly. "Last time I checked, those dumbasses casted you out. They don't have any right telling you who you can and can not be with." He then smiles. "And there isn't anyone, who can change the way you feel, but you. And do you want to change this feeling?" Y/n stares at him for a moment. He was right, Colin was no longer her alpha, she was no longer a part of that pack, she could love whoever she wants! "Marshall!" She begins.

"I don't want this feeling to go away!" Her hands cling to his shirt. "I...I love you Marshall." She confesses. Marshall grins before holding her tighter. "Same here puppy." He leans closer to her before locking his lips with her own. Y/n, was of course shocked, she never kissed anyone before. His lips were so, cold. But she didn't mind, she enjoyed it. She leaned into the kiss, Marshall took that as a sign to deepen the kiss. His tongue poked at her bottom lip, asking for entry. Y/n hesitated before opening her mouth slightly. She whimpered as she felt his tongue enter her mouth. She didn't even try to fight for dominance, like she would even know how. So she let Marshall take the lead.

Soon, Y/n was starting to run out of breath. She pulls back and inhaled deeply before panting. "Oh yeah, heh, forgot you needed to breathe." Marshall says as he licked his lips. "I hope that wasn't too much for you puppy." He smirks. Y/n pouts slightly. "Of course it wasn't! I could do that again anytime!" Marshall raises an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? How about right now?" He grabs her waist and pulls her in again. Before they could share another tender moment-


Fiona's voice broke through the sky. She was riding atop of giant Cake, who shrank back down as they got closer. "You found her Marshall!" She smiles. "Thank goodness. Why did you run off like that missy?" Cake asks. Before Y/n could answer, Marshall put an arm around her. "She got a little overwhelmed at the concert. I think I'm going to take her back with me so she can relax." He floats up, carrying Y/n while doing so. "What?? But you just had her last night!" Fiona whines. "Maybe next time Fi. See ya!" With that, Marshall and Y/n had disappeared into the night sky. "That jerk." Fiona stuck her tongue out.

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