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Fiona gathered herself, she got up and noticed what Colin was doing. She quickly grabbed her sword and ran over, she stabbed Colin in the back. "Let her go!!!" She yells. Colin looked back at her, smirked, and bit down one last time, harder than before making Y/n wail. "No! Stop!" Fiona retracted her sword before stabbing him again. Y/n went limp in Colin's arms, he finally let her go, and she fell to the ground. She turned back into her humanoid form. Fiona, horrified by the site, back away slowly. Colin reaches out to give her the same treatment. Fiona with shaky hands, held her sword up ready to fight. And suddenly, the ground began to shake. The two looked to the distance, a giant feline was heading their way, fast.

"Cake!" Fiona smiles brightly. "Hold on Fiona, were coming!" She yells. "Wait, 'we're'?" Fiona says confused. All of a sudden, a blur shot down from Cake, and was heading towards Colin. Before he could react, the blur flew past him, and sliced his throat open. Colin choked up, only gurgling came from him. He turned back once her heard sizzling, and saw no other than Marshall. "Die already you fucking mutt." He said while showing off his hand, covered in Colin's blood. Colin couldn't even give a smart remark, before falling to the ground motionless. Marshall fell to his knees, his body still burning. Cake picked him up, along with Fiona and Y/n. She moved her hand over them, to shelter Marshall from the harsh sun rays.

"Cake..." Y/n said weakly. "My father...please..." Cake looked down to see a now humanoid Alleris. She nods before picking up and running to the candy kingdom.

"Marshall you need to relax." Cake says to him. He had been pacing back and forth outside of the operation room for the past hour. "How can I!?" Marshall turns back to her. "Y/n could die! There was so much blood and..." Fiona got up from her seat and put her hand on his shoulder gently. "Hey don't worry, Gumball said she might have a chance." She smiled weakly. "We just have to hope for the best." Marshall looked back at the door, it was just as silent as before. Fiona sat him back down, both her and Cake tried calming him down. Just as he got settled, the door opened.

Marshall quickly stood up. "Gumball!?" The pink hair prince walked out, and sighed heavily. "Calm yourself Marshall." Gumball wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Y/n is in stable condition, she just needs to stay here a while longer." Marshall felt a wave of relief rush over him. "C-Can we see her?" Fiona asks. "Yes. But don't bring up her father, he sadly won't make it through." The three agreed before walking into the room.

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