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"Who is that?" Marshall glares in that off. "My father, if he sees you then-" A bone chilling howl filled her ears. "Marshall go!" She tried dragging him off, but before they could get far her father snarls loudly. "Vampire!!" He had picked up Marshall's scent, it was too late. He had eventually caught up with them, fury filled Alleris's eyes. "Just what do you think you're doing with my daughter, demon?" The fur on his neck stuck up straight. "Get away from here!" He growls. Marshall was about to retire before Y/n spoke up. "Father wait, you don't understand! Marshall isn't evil!" Alleris glared Marshall down. "So you've brainwashed her have you? I'll have your head for that!"

"Listen old man." Marshall starts. "I didn't do shit to your daughter. Well, I mean, I have done some things." He smirks, causing Y/n to facepalm. Alleris then transformed into his beastly werewolf form. "You will pay dearly for what you've done to my daughter!" He growled. Marshall was about to attack as well, but Y/n stepped in between them. "Father stop it! I won't let you hurt Marshall!" Alleris glared down at her. "Y/n, you're not in the right mind. Step aside or I will make you!" Y/n doesn't brother changing, she keeps her glare on his. "I wouldn't try anything stupid old man." Marshall speaks up. "Even if it is just you, I can kill you easily. So I advise you turn your sorry ass around right now."

"Oh, but it's not just him." The three turned to see no other than Colin, and the rest of the pack. Y/n froze up, it felt like she couldn't breath. "Alleris...you disobeyed me." Colin chuckles. "I'm disappointed, but not surprised." Colin's gaze switched to Y/n, a look of fake shock spread across his feature. "Whats this? A vampire, after all these years..." Y/n could rip him apart for that. The rest of the pack either had fear in their eyes or rage.

"How are there still vampires!?" One said in terror.

"I thought we were finally through with them!" Another said.

"Let's just hurry and kill him! Before he kills us!"

"How many more are there!?"

Their barks and whines filled Colin's ears, much to his delight. This is just the scenario he wanted. "I had a feeling you would be in some kind of danger when I didn't see you back in our territory. So I gathered everyone to come help you, and here I see a vampire ready to drain you dry." He growls. "And you!" He glares at Y/n. "Of course you would defend that creature! Traitor!" The rest of the pack growls with him, angered by Y/n's betrayal. Colin turns to his pack. "Did I not say she would be our downfall! I have no doubt she made friends with that thing, to plan some sort of attack on us!" His words only made them more angry, just what he wanted.

Cold Blooded |Marshall Lee x Werewolf! Reader| Where stories live. Discover now