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Y/n's head was swarming, trying to think up a reasonable excuse. So far she had nothing that would be able to conscience the two in front of her, until- "I just needed a place to bathe alright!?" She finally said. "Bathe?" Fiona tilts her head. "Yes bathe." Y/n tried her best to fake her embarrassment. "I might have...fell in something not so pleasant smelling. And my pack are not going to like it if I come back smelling like said unpleasant thing. So...I just wanted to get rid of it." Her lying seemed to work, giving that Cake had released her from her stretchy grasps.

"Well if that's all you needed, then follow us." Fiona held her arm as she walked. "What, where?" Y/n asks. "Back to our place, you can properly clean yourself there." Fiona tells her. "You know, I don't really smell anything from you. But then again, aren't werewolf noses much more stronger than normal noses." Y/n only nods. "I think it's cause it's been too long since you've had a bath Fiona, and you're just use to it." Cake says sassily. "Heeeey!" Fiona pouts, causing Y/n to laugh lightly. "Let's just get to the dang treehouse." Fiona huffed.

Once they arrived at the treehouse, Y/n could help but be impressed by it. "When you said treehouse, I wasn't expecting...well much a house more than a tree. Or maybe the other way around?" She says, very confused. "I know, it's a sight to behold isn't it?" Fiona chuckles. "I'd say." Y/n nods. "Come on you two, let's head inside and get this dog washed." Cake walks in, they were all greeted by a small walking talking game console.

"Fiona! Cake! Strange lady! Welcome back!" Said the little console. "Hey Bmo." Fiona waves. "What is that thing?" Y/n asked a bit a on edge. "This is Bmo. And Bmo, this is Y/n. She's a legit werewolf." Fiona introduced them. "Like a big puppy?" Bmo smiles brightly. Y/n's ear twitched at the word puppy. "Yep! And this puppy needs a bath." Fiona guides Y/n up the latter to their bathroom.

Fiona turned the faucet making the water fall, causing Y/n to jump back. "What the hell?" She mutters. Fiona turns back to her. "I'm guess you've never seen something like this." She chuckles. "This is how we bathe around here. While the lake is cool, soap really does the trick." Y/n tilts her head. "Soap?" Fiona laughs and guides her into the bathroom. "Alright, just go ahead and jump in." Fiona started to walk out before she saw Y/n transforming into her wolf form. "Wait what are you doing?"

"I'm, "jumping in", as you said. Am I not suppose to?" Fiona shakes her head. "Well yeah but you don't have turn into a wolf. How are you going to clean yourself like that?" Y/n transforms back into her humanoid form before giving her a confused look. "You have to take those off first." Fiona points at her clothes. "Uhhh. Ok?" Fiona starts to leave as Y/n strips. "Then you just use the soap the clean yourself."

After an hour Y/n hope out of he shower and shakes herself off. She finds her clothes and starts to put them on before stopping. She sniffs her clothes and then herself, her nose scrunches up at the differences in scent. She turns into a wolf and and carries her clothes in her mouth down to Fiona and Cake. "Hey, Fiona?" Y/n puts the clothes down before speaking.

"Why do me and my clothes smell do different? What did that shower do?" She asks. "It might be because you need your clothes washed too." Y/n face scrunches up. "My father would really be on my tail if my scent were to change that much." Y/n picks up her clothes again before turning to the exit. "Speaking of, I should be heading back."

"Aw do you really have to go so soon?" Fiona pouts. "Yes, I've been away from my pack for far too long." Y/n could only imagine how much her father is freaking out right now. She didn't want to have a lecture the length of her life span when she got back. "We'll make sure to come back soon." Cake smiles. "Yeah, next time we could invite Gumball and Marshall to hang." Y/n shifts uncomfortably, but nods anyway before running out of there treehouse and back into the woods.

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