Chapter 5

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Today was the day. It was time for Y/n and Colin's battle. Everyone had their bets on who would beat who, they were all excitingly awaiting for their new alpha. "My pack!" Y/n's father spoke up. "Today, will be my last day as your alpha. These two brave and noble wolves have been chosen to keep watch over the pack after me. Whoever wins this battle, will be your new alpha!" The pack howled at his words. Y/n and Colin faces each other, they both stared each other down.

But they both knew who was going to win this battle. "Good luck to the both of you. Begin!" Colin was the first to make his move, he rushed at Y/n, teeth bared. Y/n dodges and snarls at the wolf. Colin gives her a glare, as if reminding her what would happen if she didn't loose. She sighs and makes a weak attempt to attack him, he takes that as an opening to grab the back of her neck and throw her down to the ground roughly.

She whimpers and tries to get back up, only to be met with his teeth biting down harder. She holds back a cry of pain before he pins her down as growls in her face. "No now, don't want to make this look too easy do we?" He whispers in her ear. Y/n clenches her eyes tightly before kicking him off and getting back up. Y/n bites down on his shoulder and hardly tries pushing him down.

Colin throws her off and stamps down hard on her gut. She whimpers in pain, and she swore she saw her father shaking his head disapprovingly. She never felt so embarrassed, she wasn't fighting back, not even trying. It was truly shameful. She just closed her eyes and just let Colin beat her to a pulp. "Alright enough!" Her father called out. Colin let up and backed way from her. "It's clear who I should make alpha after that display." Y/n could heat the disappointment in his voice. "Colin, is your new alpha."

The pack howled their congratulations for their new alpha. Colin smirks proudly and joins Y/n's father on the high rock. He howled back, making his alpha title official. Y/n's father bowed his head before jumping off the rock and walking past his daughter, who still refused to look up from the ground. "My injured opponent might need some attention." Colin says, stifling a chuckle. Y/n felt a flush of embarrassment paint her face. She turned back into her humanoid form before standing up.

She held her head high, signing that she may have been defeated, but she is a proud wolf none the less. "I'll give her time to make herself decent before she joins us, sound fair Y/n?" She only nods before walking past a crowd of disappointing faces. "Man, I expected a little more from her." One said.

"Right? That fight was nothing."

"A pup could have lasted longer than her."

"Her father must be so disappointed, after all that time he spent training her, only for her to fail like that."

Y/n held back her tears, she's made a fool of herself enough already. She hurried away from the pack and to the near by lake.

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