Chapter 6

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Y/n had left the boar for Fiona and Cake, since she was going to be staying with them for a while. As they tried to figure out what to do with it, Y/n was upstairs cleaning up. Once she was done, Cake offered to treat her wounds, which she had plenty of of. "How did you get so many scars?" Cake asks. "Growing up in the woods with a bunch of werewolves will do that to you." Cake nods in understanding. "Fiona has quite a few herself. She's been fighting monsters and saving princes since she was like twelve." Y/n looks over at Fiona, who was practicing some new sword moves.

Y/n hums before looking back at Cake so she could patch up a cut on her face. "Now be honest with me honey, what did you and Marshall really get into a fight about." Y/n flinches as she cleans the cut. "I told already told you..." Cake places a bandage on her face. "Please, I know a lie when I a hear one. Now let's hear it." Y/n sighs. "If he stuck around my pack would have known he was a vampire and killed him. My alpha knew and casted me out. We have a personal vendetta against vampires, so naturally he didn't like the fact I was friends with one."

"I see, so what did you say to him to make him so mad?" Cake asks. "I told him I didn't want to see anymore. But it doesn't matter now, my alpha knows and now I don't have a pack to go back to." Cake finished patching Y/n up. "I think, it's time you two made up." She says as she throws away the bloody rags. "I'm sure he'll understand if you tell him what you told me." Y/n shakes her head. "He told me to never speak to him again. He'll probably kill me if he sees me."

"He won't if we're there." Cake calls Fiona over. "We're going to get Y/n and Marshall to make up and be friends again, you in?" Fiona smirks. "Heck yeah! Let's do this!" She raises her fist. "Whoa whoa, wait you guys!" Y/n raises her hands up. "How are you so sure this is going to work?" She asks. "Oh we're not." Cake shrugs. "But we'll never know if we don't try!" Fiona tells her. "Operation Y/n and Marshall be friends again is a go!"

Marshall was in his room messing around with his axe bass, thinking up some new songs and raps. He was just getting into the zone, when he heard a knocking from downstairs. He groans and floats down, and opens his front door. He was met with Fiona and Cake. "Sup guys." He leans against the door frame. "Hey Marshall! Sorry for this." Says Fiona, confusing him. Before he could question her, Fiona shoves him into the house along with Y/n. "Cake now!"

Cake nods then turns giant and wraps around the entire house, making sure both the werewolf and vampire couldn't escape. Marshall quickly sits up and looks around. "What the hell!?" He then noticed Y/n in front of him. "Hey, I thought I told you to stay away from me!" He hisses. Y/n hugs her knees close to her. "Sorry." She mutters. "Tch." Marshall gets up and attempts to open his door, but of course, it wouldn't budge. "Oh come on!" His forehead met the door with an annoyed groan.

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