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By the time Marshall finished the song, Y/n's nerves had finally calmed. "And you right all of these yourself?" Y/n asked. "Yep, well, some of them I do. I do get inspiration from from past artists for some of my songs. And I just add in my own little Marshall Lee touch to it." Y/n smiles a bit. "How long have you been writing?" Marshall leaned back mid air before answering. "My whole life girl. Simone is the one who got me started on it really."

"Who's Simone?" Y/n tilts her head. Marshall had a longing look on his face, his hands gripped his base tightly. "A dear friend." His voice quivered a bit. "Oh, I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." Y/n apologize quickly. "No, it's not like that. She's still alive but..." He shook his head. "Nevermind. We've talking about me a lot. What about you? Got any stories you wanna tell?"

"Not really. All my pack does is go on burning parties, spar, patrol, you know normal werewolf stuff." Y/n giggles a bit. "But back in the day was a little different. Back when there were still a few humans around, I actually made friends with one of them." She says while smiling. "You did?" Marshall asked. "Yeah, she was really nice too. She help me when I got stuck in a bear trap." She looks down at her ankle. "I still have the scar."

"She didn't even care that I was a monster, all she saw was a creature in pain and of need of helping. And that's exactly what she did, she helped me out of that trap. And slowly we started to become closer as friends." Her smile started to disappear. "But you know humans, they live such short lives. It was like we were best friends one minute, the next she's lying in her death bed."

Marshall could understand that better than anyone. "That's the price of immortality for ya. Or in your case, a hella long lifespan." Y/n nods and holds her arm in a shy fashion. "What was her name?" Marshall asked her. "Maria. She was the brightest thing in my life. And she was taken away from me when I needed her most."

Marshall lands next to her. "Hey, I think I know what might cheer us up. How about we go hang out with Fiona and Cake. They're always doing something weird. It might distract us from our burden we call existence for a while." That did sound nice, but what about her pack? She's been gone long enough already. But she really didn't want to go back there and build up stress again.

"Ok. But I can't stay for long." Y/n tells him. "Sounds cool." Marshall grabbed an umbrella before heading out. "What's that for? It's not raining." Marshall opens it up as he approaches the door. "Don't you know vampire's shrivel up in the sun puppy?" No in fact, because of the vampires absence throughout the years, she had forgot most things about them. Including this. "Oh, right." She walks out and turned into a wolf. And they were off to the human and cats's treehouse.

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