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"Looks like Marshall is up next." Fiona says as she sees Marshall making an grand entrance, by floating down onto the stage, landing with a loud thud to catch the attention of the entire crowd. Y/n had to admit it, she was impressed by how cool he looked just now. Marshall walks up to the mic and grabs it firmly, the entire crowd finally goes completely silent. "I wrote this song about a certain someone I've come to meet. Despite our their comings, they're actually pretty damn cool. You know who you are." Marshall looks down at the crowd, but Y/n knew he was talking about her. She could feel his eyes on her, as if he knew just where to look to spot her out.

Marshall took hold of his axe bass and began to play a soft rock tempo. After a few cords, he started to sing. His voice made Y/n feel like she was floating on air. Why? That question popped into her head for the thousandth time. Why was she feeling like this. First, he befriends her, then he lets her stay in his home, now he's singing about her, and to her in a sense. The feeling was so, foreign to her. She didn't know if she hated it or liked it, but it confused her. She did know, that she hated the feeling of confusion. She's went most of her life, knowing what to do and when to do it. It was drilled into her brain thanks to her alpha parents, she was expected to follow after them.

But recently, the feeling of confusion started to grow more and more. And it killed her inside. Y/n closed her eyes and let Marshall's voice fill her ears. And he, he made that feeling die down while another started up. Why? Why did he make her feel like this? What could be making her feel like this? Why couldn't she just-

And then, it hit her. Her eyes widened as her heart started to pound harder and faster. She was in love.

She wanted to faint, it felt like she would at any moment. Her mother use to tell her what it felt like to fall in love with someone, and everything Y/n has been feeling, was everything her mother described. She thought she had felt this once before, with Maria. But it was not the same as she felt for Marshall. It wasn't anything as intense as the new feeling. Y/n hand clenched the fabric of her shirt where the middle of her chest was. Before she knew it, the song had ended. Of course everyone loved it, loud cheers filled the air. "Wasn't that great Y/n?" Fiona says over the crowd. "Y/n?" She noticed tears forming around the corners of her eyes. Y/n bit her lip before turning into a wolf and running through the crowd with ease. "Y/n!! Wait!!" Fiona calls after her, she tired to follow but the crowd was too much to push past.

Marshall looked down at the crowd once again and realized that Y/n was no longer there. He looked ahead and saw her running out of the crowd. Marshall then floats upwards, and flies off as fast as he can. Thinking it was part of the performance, the crowd cheered again.

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