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Y/n found her father at the edge of the woods, she could sense the anger coming from him a mile away. She's been absent from her pack for way too long, so it's only normal for a fellow pack member, and most importantly, her father to worry. He transformed into his humanoid form as she approached. "Where have you been!?" He snaps. Y/n cowers under his dominary tone. "I...I just went exploring. I wanted to get to know the land better." She says barely above a murmur.

"You don't need to go exploring where you don't need to! You know where your territory is!" He growls. Y/n flinches and flattens her ears, her eyes squeezed tightly. Her father took noticed and sighs. He puts his hand on her shoulder gently. "You know why you can't stray from the clan. I've already lost your mother because of that, I won't loose you too." Y/n nods. "I know. I'm sorry dad. It won't happen again." Her father smiles lightly. Before he takes his hand away, he sniffs the air and his nose scrunches up. "Y/n, what's that scent on you?" He stares at her suspiciously.

Y/n started to panic, she didn't want her father knowing about Marshall Lee. Yes, she would tell him eventually, but after what she learned today, she couldn't predict the vampire like she thought she could. If he truly was the one that wiped out the vampires, doesn't drink blood, and can make friends with a human, then was he really a threat to her pack? A part of her screamed yes, but another part wanted to give him a chance. There was no need for bloodshed.

"I ran into a human, believe it or not." There, technically she wasn't lying now. "A human? There are still humans around?" Her father asks. "Yes, but she's the only one, I'm assuming." Hopefully this was enough to distract him, but unfortunately, it was not. "But that can't be what I'm smelling. I'm picking up a hint of death." Y/n gulps before quickly thinking up something. "I found a rotted deer while out exploring. That must be it." Her father gunned before he started to transform back into his wolf form. "Try to avoid going near rotting corpses from now on, ok?" Y/n chuckles awkwardly before transforming too, and running deeper into the woods with her father.

Once they got back, they were greeted by their pack members. But Y/n's father had more of the attention, given that he was their alpha. Y/n's place was higher than the rest but not higher than her father. But he had a plan for that. He was getting older, so he needed someone to lead his pack after he was gone. And that someone would be none other than his daughter. But Y/n on the other hand, wasn't too thrilled about that. Of course she loves her pack, but she was no leader. She didn't know the first thing about how to lead, despite her father's teachings.

It's not that she wouldn't pay attention, it's just, she couldn't handle to burden of becoming a leader. Her freedom would most certainly be restricted, and everyone would need her to tell them what to do. It annoyed her the more she thought about it. There had to be some way to get out of it.

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