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After that exchange, Y/n decided to blow off some steam by taking her anger out on a poor innocent tree...which she had just downed after a few hard hits in her werewolf form. She pants heavily before turning back into her humanoid form. "Gonna have to explain that to father if he finds out later." She mutters. "Or you could start explaining now." She jumps at the sudden voice.

She turns quickly to see her father, standing there with his arms crossed. "What's got you so crossed?" He asks. "Colin happened." She scowls. Her father chuckles and walks over to her. "Did he try challenging you again?" Y/n nods, her tail swayed angrily. "It was bound to happen eventually." He places his hand on her shoulder in a comforting manor.

"He's annoying. If he wasn't such a strong wolf I would have him kicked out once I become alpha." Y/n mutters. "Don't stress abut it too much Y/n. Just focus on bettering yourself." Y/n sighs and nods slightly, she knew she could better herself eventually but, the stress of having to deal with not only Colin but the rest of the pack as well, was making it harder for her to do that.

"Now, care to explain where you've been? I hadn't seen you since you went hunting last night." Oh boy, here it comes. Y/n gulped and tried to think up something, anything that could be a reasonable excuse. "Well, I didn't catch my prey because of some interference." She rubs her arm awkwardly. "Interference? Like what?" Her father asks. "Um, some pesky foxes. Yeah, trying to steal what was rightfully mine. But I took care of them alright." She says, faking a proud tone.

"Then I decided to get their gross scent off of me by relaxing in a meadow." She finished explaining. Her father seemed to buy it, as he didn't question her further. A wave of relief washed over her, she wouldn't have to bring up Marshall or Fiona and Cake at all. But then again...

"Father? How would you feel, if not all of those vampires were gone?" Y/n said out of nowhere. Her father gave her a crossed look, she instantly regretted asking. "You should know how I would feel about that Y/n." His tone was low, as if daring her to continue the topic. But she just had to know. "Yes, I do....But what if there was one that was different from the vampire's we've seen?"

Her father slowly raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?" Y/n hesitated before speaking. "What if, there was a vampire who was...good?" Her father scowls deeply. "There are no good vampires! They're all the same! They take and take, without even considering how those who've they've wronged!" Y/n really regretted speaking now, of course he would react like this.

"I don't know how you got that idiotic thought into your head young lady, you know what they've done to us! They killed your mother, and yet you ask something like that!?" He growls loudly. Y/n shrank back in fear, she hadn't heard her father speak like that in many years. "I-I know they did, I just..." She trails off, too afraid to continue.

Her father sighed, calming himself down he put his hands on his daughter's shoulders. "Y/n, for the sake of my sanity, do not bring up those foul creatures ever again. Do you understand?" Y/n only nods. Her father hugs her tightly. "I love you very much Y/n. No matter how angry I might get with you." Y/n hugs back. "I know."

Her father lets go and turns back into a wolf before turning back to the pack. Leaving Y/n all alone.

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