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Y/n finally reached her pack, and of course she was met with the last person she wanted to see. "Mind explains why you were gone for so long?" Colin crosses his arms. Y/n scowls before trying to move past him, but Colin stopped her by grabbing onto her arm. Y/n glared back at him, before she could take a swing at her he spoke. "You're a poor excuse for a wolf Y/n. For someone who is so determined to be an alpha, you sure aren't taking it seriously."

Y/n yanks her arm away from him. "I lost track of time! I've been working my ass off trying to prove myself so I thought taking a break would be ok, but apparently, I was wrong!" She tried storming off. "Y/n you haven't a clue how to be an alpha." Colin moves in front of her. "Now, I'd start explaining why you have so many scents on you before you walk into that pack."

Y/n's heart sank. She forgot to hide the scents from today. And Marshall's was the strongest. "You smell of death Y/n...that kind of smell hasn't been around since the vampires were around..." She felt like running away right then and there, but no alpha runs from their problems. "No need to explain that. I know you've been hanging around with one." Colin grabs her chin roughly to make her look him in the eyes. "Shameful." He growls.

Y/n was frozen, what could she say now? His scent was too strong, she was out way later than she should have been, what excuse could she have to make? Colin's frown slowly turned into a grin. "Don't worry. Your little secret is safe with me." He looses his grip on her chin. "No one has to know about Marshall." Y/n's eyes widened. "H-how..." Y/n trails off. "To be an alpha, means to exceed every skill. Hunting, fighting....sneaking."

"As I was saying, no one has to know about your vampire friend. If you take the fall at tomorrow's battle for Alpha." Rage started to build in Y/n again. "Is that a threat?" She growls. "Watch it!" His hand makes its way to her throat. "You are no position to growl at me! You will loose that battle or so help me, every pack never will not only be after the vampire, but that human and feline as well."

Y/n's mind was racing, he was serious. He was going to have them all killed if she didn't comply. Why did she care? She's known these people not even a week, and she's about too give up everything's she's worked for, for them! Why!? Y/n's ears lower, her lower lip quivers slightly. "Fine." She mutters. "I'll do as you say. But you better not get them involved." Colin chuckles and lets her go. "Clean yourself up." He says before leaving her behind.

Marshall couldn't seem to find Y/n, he tracked her but he wouldn't go into a pack full of wolves. He could probably kill them all, but it wasn't worth the energy. Besides, Y/n seems to care about them. So, he decided to call it a night and head back to his home for the night. But Marshall couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen...

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