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Y/n had arrived to where she left her father, to find Colin standing above a beaten Alleris. "Well, about time you got back here." Colin smirks. "You father was just staring to bore me." Colin steps on Alleris's hand before approaching Y/n. "Is your vampire dead yet?" He asks, Y/n didn't respond, she only readied herself for whatever he would do next. The corner of Colin's smirk twitched in annoyance. "Alright, I see you're serious about this." Colin cracked his knuckles. "I am. You'd better get serious too if you want any chance of living through this." Y/n growls at him.

Colin hummed before charging at her, Y/n quickly dodges and kicks his back, making him stumble slightly. He turns around and grabs a fist full of her hair and delivered blow after blow to her face. Y/n grabbed his arm before kicking him in the ankle, gathering all her strength, she flipped him over her head. Colin landed to the ground harshly. Y/n pounced on him and returned the blows he gave her previously. Colin used his back legs to kick her off, Y/n skillfully landed on her feet. "If I knew I would get this much of a challenge out of you, I wouldn't have made you throw that match." Colin wipes the blood from his nose.

"I'm not sure about that Colin. If I had actually fought you then, it would have been over in seconds." Y/n spat out the blood that had gathered in her mouth. She then rushed towards him and clawed at him furiously, each strike was blocked by Colin. Y/n went to strike again, and as soon as Colin tried to block, she used her other hand to claw his cheek. Colin growls and knees her in the gut, making her loose her balance. Colin took this chance to grab her and throw her towards the nearest tree. Before Y/n could gather herself, Colin rushed over, grabbed her by the neck and plowed her through the tree and through a couple more. Once Colin had stopped, Y/n had let her body turn back into its humanoid form.

Colin laughed and let her go, her body laid limp, and she was certain a few of her ribs were broken. Colin towered over her, taking pride in what he had just done. "Still think you could have beaten me in just seconds?" Y/n didn't and couldn't answer. All she could do is make pathetic murmurs. "Huh? Didn't catch that." Colin leaned into slightly. Y/n murmurs only became quieter. "Come now, speak up." Once Colin was close enough, Y/n shot forwards and bit down hard on his ear, before yanking back, taking a chunk of it with her. Colin wailed in pain, making Y/n smirk, the chunk still in her teeth. Colin's eyes filled with rage, he stood up and stomped his foot down hard on her gut.

Now it was Y/n turn to wail, if her ribs weren't broken before, they defiantly are now. "Thin you're clever are you?" He presses down harder. "I was going to have fun making you suffer, but now I just want to kill you and get rid of you for good." He reached down and grabbed her throat, lifted her from the ground, and squeezed tightly. Y/n weakly kicked and scratched, trying to get herself free. But it was useless, her arms fell to her side, and her eyes became dull. Just as she slipped into darkness, a horrible snapping noise along with pained howls filled her ears. And suddenly, air filled her lungs once again.

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