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"Enough Colin!" Y/n snarls over the pack. "I won't stand here and be called a traitor! If you want to settle this for real, then have at it!" She turned to her werewolf form. Colin shakes his head. "Your threats won't sway me of this pack. But I can assure you, we will be taking the head of not only that vampire, but you as well traitor. Alleris turns to Colin. "I could care less about what you do to that vampire, but you will not lay a hand on my daughter!" Colin's ear twitched and he turns into a werewolf. Then grabs the back of Alleris's head and slams it into the ground. "So you wish to join her, huh!? Very well!"

Y/n growls and tackles Colin off of her father before turning back to Marshall. "Go get Fiona and Cake!" She tells him. "What!? And leave you here? Hell no!" Y/n was about to tell him to go and get them again before she was kicked off by Colin. "Get involved vampire, and I'll send my wolves after them." He threatens. Marshall hisses lowly before transforming into a huge demonic bat. "Try me." Was all he said before Colin gave the word for his pack to attack him. Marshall easily pulled off any werewolf that tried to take him down, but he and Colin both knew he couldn't keep this up forever.

Y/n and Alleris gathered themselves and launched themselves at Colin. "You two really are a bunch of disappointments! If you both would have stayed in line, this wouldn't be happening!" He says as he kicks away Alleris, and pins Y/n to the ground. "I guess you just forgot what his kind did to your mother." Y/n gets her arm free and claws him across the face, his blood staining her claws and fingers. "Marshall isn't like them, he didn't kill my mother. He didn't kill innocent people, if anything, he tried to protect them! He's the one who wiped out those vampires!"

Colin scowls and places his hand on Y/n's throat, and squeezes tightly. "I don't care if he wiped out all evils in the world, he is the enemy! You bring disgrace to all werewolf kind by being his mate! Have you no shame!?" Y/n smirks slowly. "Damn right I don't. I could care less about the feud we had with them, I love Marshall. And nothing you say or do is going to cha he that!" She spat in his face once she finished.

Colin didn't flinch, he raises his claws and swiped her across her face. Y/n felt blood rushing out of the large cuts. "I've had it with that smart mouth of yours." Colin said lowly before placing his large hand on her throat, and grip as tightly as he could. Y/n could hardly muster a choking sound, her windpipe was closed shut, her eyes started to water, and her face paled. Her arms went limp, and her struggling started to slow to a stop. Before her vision went dark, Colin's grip was no longer there.

Y/n inhaled deeply before coughing violently, she glances over at her father, Alleris restraining Colin. "Y/n, get out of here!" He tells her. She struggles to raise herself to feet, while doing so, she heard a whimper from behind her. She whips her head around to see nearly the entire pack drafted by Marshall. A few of the stringer wolves were still attacking, despite their injuries. Y/n started to run over to help, when she started to feel warm. She gasps and looks up at the sky, night was slowly turning back into day. "Marshall!!" She calls for him.

He knocks away another wolf before looking over, he saw the sun starting to rise in the distance. Marshall dodged a few more wolves before flying as fast as he could to the nearest shaded area. Colin smirks, throwing Alleris over his shoulder before running just as fast after Marshall. He somehow managed to catch up to him and grab his leg before throwing him back. "Now!" He tells out, just as he did that, his strongest wolves turned into werewolves, so they could pin him down. Marshall didn't have time to get them off before the sun started to burn his flesh.

His pained cries filled Y/n's ears. "No!" She growls as she rubs towards the wolves, but Colin beat her to them. He grabbed the back of her head and slammed her down to the ground. "Do you see now why I am the better alpha? I knew vampires couldn't handle the sun, so I had my wolves wear him out until morning came." Y/n reached out weakly, as if she could grab Marshall and pull him away. Colin used his other hand to grab onto it harshly, his claws penetrated her skin, causing blood to flow out. "Now watch as your beloved vampire dies." He pulled her head up by her hair, and made her look at Marshall burns.

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