Chapter 9

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Y/n sobbed as she desperately struggled to get away from Colin so she could save Marshall, who's pained wails were nothing but pathetic sounds of pain. Suddenly, Colin's weight was lifted off of her, and in a flash the wolves holding Marshall were all thrown off. Alleris, stood over the last pack member that held Marshall. "I don't understand why you care for this creature Y/n." He said before lifting both Marshall and Y/n and running over to the woods where it was shady. Marshall slowly started to recover. "But I can see that he means a lot to you." Alleris speaks softly. "He makes you happy doesn't he?" Y/n nods while she cradled Marshall's limp body. "He means so much to me." She sniffles. "I've never felt anything like this, Marshall makes me feel things I never thought I would feel. I love him father."

Alleris sighs but smiles anyway. "How can I hate someone that makes my daughter happy?" He stands and looks towards Colin and the pack, who was on their way to finish what they've started. "Take him somewhere safe Y/n. I'll take care of them." Y/n looks up at her father with worry. "Alone? They'll kill you!" Alleris looks back at her, he places his hand on her head. "Have some faith in your old man. I wasn't made alpha all those years ago for nothing." He chuckles. "But father-" Y/n was cut off by Alleris hugging her tightly. "I love you Y/n, and I am very proud of you."

Y/n tears up and hides her face in his shoulder. "Hurry, they're almost here. I'll see you soon, I promise." Y/n holds Marshall and stands up. "You better." She says before running off to the only place she knew to go.

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