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Y/n had stuck to her word and worked harder on becoming an alpha. She joined more hunting parties, she spared more, and even sent out patrols to check the territory. She couldn't be more exhausted, a break was all she needed right now, but she was so close. She just had to wait it out, just one more day....but, a little break wouldn't hurt. Just for a little while, she's gotten this far. Surly a break wouldn't kill her.

She managed to sneak away from the pack to the same meadow from before. She turned back into her humanoid form and laid back into the flowers. This place brought back so many memories, of her and her mother specifically. Her mother would always take her here to practice how to stalk her prey, and how to pick up the faintest of scents.

Her skills were what got her an alpha status, right up there with Y/n's father. And Y/n promised her all those years ago, that she would grow to become just like her. A fair yet stern leader to her people. Unfortunately, her skills weren't enough to defend herself from the vampires that killed her. Y/n gripped her arm tightly. It was an unfair fight, the cowards ambushed her and took her off guard.

The thought made Y/n's blood boil, if those vampire's were still here today, she would have made sure to make a bloody mess of them. Guess she had to thank Marshall for that. It amazed her really, that one person could take out an entire race like that. Then kill the vampire queen herself! Speaking of Marshall, she hasn't seen him for a while. Y/n's breath hitched and she shook her head. "No, stop that." She says quietly to herself.

But it did raise the question, what do vampires do in their spare time if not murder the innocent? Out of pure curiosity, and boredom, she reluctantly got up and headed off to Marshall's home.

His scent was everywhere, Y/n couldn't tell if he was here or not because of it. Upon closer inspection, his home looked a lot cozier up close. Maybe it's because she's lived in a cave her whole life, or maybe because she thought vampires just lived in the darkest of crevasses, but this house was actually pretty nice. She took one step closer-

"What are you doing here?" Y/n jumps and looks around, nothing. "M-Marshall?" She mutters. Suddenly, the vampire appears in front of her, like he did before. "I hate it when you do that." Y/n's ear twitched. "Yeah? Well, it's all sorts of fun for me." He smirks. "Now you gonna answer my question?" Y/n's ears lower slightly. "Um, I was just really bored after all of my soon-to-be-alpha duties, aaand, well since we cleared some things up between our kinds, I was wondering what you did in your spare time."

Marshall raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "You wanna know what I do in my spare time?" Y/n's face started to turn red out of embarrassment. "Yes, alright!? If you're going to be all weird about it then-"

"Whoa, chill puppy." Marshall raises his hands. "If you wanted to hang, all you had to do was ask." He floats past her. "Come on in." He opens the door to the house.

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