Chapter 4

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Y/n steps inside of the house, and just like the outside it was just as cozy on the inside. It was nice and simple, she only remembers seeing these kinds of homes a long, long time ago. "Not a lot of stuff happens down here, the real fun is upstairs." Marshall flies up the latter. Y/n tilts her head before climbing up to his bedroom. Then she thought about what he said.

She gives him a fierce glare, and kept her guard up. "Hehe, yeah no. Not like that." He floats over to his axe base. "This is what I meant." He picks it up and starts playing a chill tune. "You play music?" Y/n asks. "Yep. Helps me relax when all my mind is focused on is these fine cords." He had a point, he was playing pretty well, it sounded nice. "I don't think I've heard music in a while. I forgot how nice it was." Y/n says while her tail sways gently.

"That's no way of living sister." He floats over her. "Can't imagine how boring it must be." Y/n only shrugs, she was too distracted by the mellow tones from the bass. Marshall took notice to that and decided to add a little finesse by singing. That really caught Y/n's attention then. He had a beautiful voice, the only other person that had such a lovely voice was her mother. Suddenly tears started to form in her eyes.

Marshall eventually saw and stopped playing. "Uh, you good?" He asks her. Y/n noticed she was crying and immediately hid her face. "No, I'm fine!" She wiped her eyes. "You have a really nice voice." She sniffles. Marshall moves his bass to his back and floats down next to her. "Don't think my voice was enough to make people cry." He tried to joke. Marshall raises his hand hesitantly, before finally placing it gently on her shoulder.

She flinches at his touch and looks up at him. "Um, sorry for making you cry like that." He apologized. Y/n shook her head. "It's not your fault. It's just, I haven't heard anyone sing like that in a while. It brought back a really nice memory of someone." She smiles slightly. "Of who?" Marshall asks. Y/n was silent for a moment before answering. "My mother."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." Y/n wiped her eyes. "You didn't know. Besides I'm just be dramatic. I really did like your song." Marshall smiles softly. "Thanks puppy." Y/n pouts slightly. "What did I say about calling me that, vamp?" Marshall and her laugh before they noticed, his hand was still on her shoulder. He quickly moved his had, and awkwardly clear his throat. "So, any songs requests? Maybe I'll make you smile instead of cry this time." He chuckles.

Y/n hummed as she thought. "Well, it's been a while since I've heard any songs. What are some of your favorites?" She asks. "Hmm, well there is one I'm pretty fond of." He started to play a song he called, Everything Stays.

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