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"C/n! Get down from there please!" Y/n begged as she watched her 3 year old child floats to the top of her's and Marshall's shared home. The only response she got was giggles from the tiny child. "Marshall, will please help me? I have to meet up with the pack soon." Y/n calls from inside the home. "They on the roof again?" Marshall leans out from the door. "Yes." Y/n answers tiredly. Marshall chuckles and floats up to the roof and picks up his kid before flying back down. C/n bit at his hands with her little fangs, I hardly made a dent in Marshall's skin. "Oh, biting already? That's no good. Now I have to get you back!" He raspberries C/n tummy, making them squeal with laughter. Y/n couldn't help but smile at the sight.

C/n resembled her father, pale skin along with their messy (hair color) hair and her vermilion eyes. And resembled Y/n with their wolf ears and tail, still so small. "Ok, I need to get going. You have everything?" Y/n asks. "Yes baby, I've been doing this for three years already. I know what I'm doing." Marshall says while putting C/n on his shoulders. "Alright, just remember not to give them too much animal blood. We don't want another accident like last time." C/n's diet was always a concern of Y/n and Marshall's. Turns out, C/n was satisfied by raw or cooked animal meat and animal blood, much to their relief. "Don't worry, I learned the hard way to never give her more when they ask after they had they filled." He shivered remembering the amount of vomit all over his bed.

"Good. Well, I'll be off. I'll see you both later." Y/n kissed Marshall then kissed C/n's forehead. C/n reached out for her while whining. "Mommy! Mommy!!" Y/n turned back. "Don't worry, you can come with me once you're old enough. Not much longer." She pets their small head before turning into a wolf and running off. "Yeah I'm gonna miss her too." Marshall says as he walks into the house. "But me and you can still have fun! Wanna play music with me?" C/n instantly brightens up and claps their hands. "Music! Music!" Marshall chuckles before sitting them down on the couch before grabbing his bass and siting next to them. He strummed gently as C/n and him sang together.

Later that night, Y/n came back exhausted. "That went on longer than expected." Y/n climbed up to Marshall and her's room. She smiles as she saw Marshall and C/n cuddled up together, sleeping soundly. Y/n carefully snuggled up with them as well, she felt something touching her ears and looked up to see Marshall smirking. "Welcome back puppy. What took you so long?" Y/n leaned into his touch. "Sorry Marsh, the pack was being difficult today. I set them straight though." She growls slightly. "I bet." He kissed her head. "Get some sleep now, you look tired." Y/n nods and slowly falls asleep. Marshall took a mental picture, it wouldn't get better than this. Him, his love, and his child all together peacefully. He silently wishes them goodnight before slipping into slumber himself.

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