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Y/n looked down at her reflection, she had bite marks, cuts, and bruises all over her body. They weren't the normal battle scars to be proud of, these were marks that would forever remind her of much of a disgraceful wolf she is for what she just did. She growls and swipes at the water before turning away in a huff. "And all for people I don't care about." She mutters. "If only he hadn't showed up. If only he would have disappeared with the rest of that horrid race!" She snarls to no one.

But she didn't mean a word of it, deep down she had sympathy for the few she had came in contact with. "Y/n?" Speak of the damn devil. She glances over and sees the vampire king himself. Shaded by...nothing? "I thought you were suppose to burn in the sun?" Y/n raises and eyebrow. "I do, but Bubba made me a special kinda of sun screen." He explains. "But aside from that, why are you so beat up?" He asks.

Y/n was about to explain herself before she remembered what Colin told her. She inhaled deeply before standing up to face him. "You need to leave." Y/n says sternly. "What?" Marshall tilts his head. "I said, leave!" She growls, her tail frizzing out. "Whoa, chill puppy. What's got you so-" Y/n swipes at him once he got closer to her. "Get out of here Marshall! I don't ever want to see you, or those two dimwits ever again! You hear me!?"

"Hey! You need to calm down and tell me what the hell is going on with you!" Y/n turns into a wolf and and bares her teeth. "You wanna know what's going on? I just lost everything I've worked for because of you!" She slowly got closer and closer to him. "If I had never met you, no, if I just killed you the day I met you, none of this would have happened to me!" Marshall blinked a few times. "Y/n, I don't understand."

"I know, you could never understand what it meant to me." Y/n said lowly. "Last chance, leave." Marshall scowls slightly. "Fine, you want me to leave?" He floats upwards. "I'll leave, but the same goes for you and your pack. Come anywhere near me, or my friends, you're gonna regret it." He hisses before flying off.

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